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  • Spokey POWER LIGHT Posilňovacia rubber, resistance 11-19 kg
    Training resistance rubber Spokey POWER LIGHT:- univerzálna pomôcka pre silový tréning, ktorá funguje podobne ako expander a môže plne nahradiť činky či ketllebelly- umožňuje maximizovať efekt tréningu a zamerať sa na jednotlivé časti tela- Has resistance: 11-19 kgV priebehu formovania postavy majú dôležitú úlohu cviky s využitím odporových gúm. Vďaka nim spestríte svoj tréning a môžete sa zamerať na vami požadovanú svalovú skupinu! Fungujú podobným spôsobom ako expandér - umožňujú vykonávať naťahovacie cvičenia a cviky do strán (napr. chest exercises) a vďaka svojim vlastnostiam a dĺžke vám umožnia rozšíriť škálu cvikov.Indispensable time of strength trainingViete o tom, že gumy Spokey POWER sú perfektnou náhradou činiek a ketllebellov? Plne nahradzajú potrebné vybavení pre silový tréning! Použitie tréningových gúm Spokey POWER pri tréningu umožňuje maximizovať účinků tréningu a sústrediť sa na jednotlivé časti tela.Tréning prispôsobený vašich potrebámTraining rubbers recommend and personal trainers. With them you can exercise anywhere - in the fitness club, at home or vonku. Odporové gumy s uzvaretým obvodom umožňujú maximizovať účinků tréningu a sústrediť sa na jednotlivé časti tela. Gumy POWER sú vyrobené v rôznych variantoch odporu, čo vám umožňuje zvoliť si vhodný odpor pre váš tréning podľa vašej aktuálnej fyzickej kondície:- X-light (purple): 0 - 13 kg- light (green): 11-19 kg- medium (blue): 15-23 kg- heavy (green): 20-30 kg- X-heavy (dark blue): 25-40 kgMaximum training effectTraining rubbers are made of durable material, which zaisťuje ich dlhú životnosť. Gumy POWER majú rôzne odpory, vďaka čomu sú ideálne ako pre začínajúcich, tak aj pre profesionalnych športovcov. Gumy s nižšou odporovou silou vám pomôžu na získanie správnej techniky cvičenia a pripravia svaly na vyššiu záťaž. Rubbers with higher resistance force are intended for people who like to practice at 200%.Parameters:Material: Latex rubberlength: 208 cmwidth: 15 mmBump 4,5 mmResistance: 11-19 kg
  • Spokey SHAPE Set of tans 2x 1 kg
    Adjustment of vinyl Spokey SHAPE chins:- with a wide anti-skid handle fits perfectly in the hand, which increases the comfort and safety of exercise.- sú made of cast iron potiahnutej vinylom, vďaka čomu sú durable, pleasant to the hand and priľnavejšie.- vzhľadovo vyzerajú great: k dispozícii sú vo farebných verziách s rôznymi hmotnosťami, čo uľahčuje hľadanie činiek rovnakej hmotnosti medzi ostatným vybavením.- set of two tans: 2x 1 kg.Weights are one of najobľúbenejších pomôcok used for fitness training. Cvičem s činkami môžete efektívne a rýchlo dosiahnuť požadované výsledky, ako je posilnenie svalov, zlepšenie kondície a zníženie zbytočných kilogramov. Two Spokey SHAPE dumbbells are essential equipment for every home gym. Umožňujú vykonávať mnoho rôznych cvikov a aktivovať tak svalovať partie, na ktorých vám najviac záleží . Sú k dispozícii v jedinečných farebných prevedeniach líšiacich sa hmotnosťou. Vďaka tomu si môžete ľahko vybrať činky optimálne podľa svojich individuálnych potrieb a ľahšie ich nájsť medzi ostatnými športovými pomôckami.Two vinyl dumbbells equal to weightSpokey SHAPE dumbbells in a classic face have a wide and comfortable grip on the hand. Sú made of resistant liatina, vďaka ktorej vám budú slúžiť mnoho rokov. Their shape ensures practical, safe and optimal exercise. Vinylový poťah increases the comfort and quality of exercise - dumbbells are not to be touched, more and nešmýkajú sa ani pri intensivnom tréningu. Navyše budú vyzerať great, vo vašej domácej posilňovni! Pastel colors and classic design will attract you from the diaľka and encourage you to train.Home training with passionČinky môžu tvoriť základ nášho tréningu, alebo byť doplnkom každodenného cvičenia v rôznych disciplínach. Dávajú nám nespočet možností, pretože nám umožňujú prispôsobiť typ a kvalitu tréningu našim očakávaniam, predpokladom a schopnostiam. Preto sú idealne ako pre ľudí, ktorí so športom ešte len začínajú, tak pre skúsených profesionalov. Set SHAPE consists of 2 ciniek o rovnakej weight. Dostupnosť v rôznych weightných variantoch (od 0,5 do 2 kg) vám umožní zvoliť si optimalálnu záťaž pre svoje tréningové ciele.Parameters:Complete dvoch piece, 2x 1 kgMaterial: Liatina, sweating vinylInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Balenie: 10 sets/cartonMožné predaj po 1 sada
  • Spokey SLIDI Training knicker discs, 2 pcs
    Tréningové kĺzavé disks Spokey SLIDI:- to sú dve kĺzavé podložky, s ktorými si spestríte váš každodenný tréning a zapojíte svaly v oveľa väčšej miere ako pri štandardných cvikoch- sú idealne pre tréning rovnováhy, koordinácie a stabilizácie- allows you to perform smooth movements on the ground or in the gymTréningové kĺzavé disks Spokey SLIDI sú nepostrádateľnou súčasťou vybavenia každého milovníka posilňovania s vlastnou váhou tela. Tato sa o universally podpadky na feet, knees a ruky, ktoré vám umožnia vykonávať rôzne posilňovacie cviky na svaly dolných a horných končatín a tiež vám pomôžu posilniť stred tela. Stačí na podlahe, alebo v telocvični zaujať konkrétnu polohu cviku a potom umiestniť kĺzavé disks tak, aby vám počas cvičenia nevykĺzali preč. V závislosti na vykonávanom tréningu môže byť veľmi ťažké zotrvať na kĺzavých diskoch, čo vyžaduje, aby používateľ správne vybalanced telo a zapojil tak viac svaly zodpovedné za stabilizáciu postavy.Rovnaké ckoky, lepšie výsledkySpokey SLIDI, to sú dve kĺzavé podpadky, ktoré decides spestria váš tréning! Skvelesa hodia pre cviky ako sú: kľuky, polodrepy, preťahovanie nôh do strán či výpady. Počas tréningu s kĺzavými pads SLIDI zapojíte do work svaly v oveľa väčšej miere ako počas rovnakého tréningu bez diskov. Práve preto sa kĺzavé disks skvelé hodia ku koordinačným, stabilizačným a rovnovážnym tréningom. Veľkou výhodou kĺzavých disks is ich veľkosť - nezaberú toľko miesta ako iné fitness pomôcky!Nenahraditeľné kĺzavé disksTraining kĺzavé disks Spokey SLIDI are made of durable materials, which allow you to perform smooth movements on the ground or in the strengthening. Sú ľahké, resistant to damage, safe, compact, a predovšetkým veľmi universally. With them, your home training will become a daily pleasure!Parameters:Material: ABS+EVAsize: 18 cmPack: 2 pcsInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Balenia: 24 pairs/cartonMožné predaj po 1 páre
  • Spokey ALPHA SET Ping-pong set - 2 rockets *, 3 shovels, sieť
    Komplet určený pre dve osob k rekreačnej hre, skladajúci sa z 2 rakiet, 3 loptičiek a nylonovej sieťky s úchytmi. Smooth surface of the rocket with a hump 1,8 mm Rýchlosť: 1/10 :5 Rotácia: 1/10:7 Control 1/10:7 Number of rakiet : 2pcs Number of loptičiek: 3pcs Sieťka in kompelte
  • Spokey HOME JUNGLE Sleeve for mat
    Cotton sleeve for Spokey HOME JUNGLE:- pomôže vám prepraviť podložku, napríklad z krúžku alebo cvičenia.- Great is suitable for storage as a protection pad against dust and dirt.- vďaka svojim rozmerom (76 x 19 cm) is suitable for akúkoľvek pad Spokey.BLOSSOME is a practical solution that will help you transport the pad. The cover is made of cotton. Vďaka obalu Spokey HOME JUNGLE si môžete vziať svoju obľúbenú podložku kamkoľvek potrebujete - napríklad na lekciu jógy. Så tiež osvědčí počas skladovania, kedy obal protects the pad from impurities.Be ready for a yoga classComfortable strap makes transport possible and provides absolútnu sloboda for your hand. To, vďaka čomu si obľúbite obal HOME JUNGLE, je rýchle and simple otvaranie a zatváranie obalu!Parameters:Material: Cottondimensions: 76 x 19 cm
  • Spokey CAMPER Mat XPE 2 layers 1 cm
    Dimensions: 50 x 180 x 1 cm dimensions after laying: 18 x 50 cmMaterial: pena XPEWeight: 300gProperties: storage mat with high mechanical resistance
  • Spokey SHIELD II - 3-dielna set of children's protectors, pink, vel. With
    Spokey SHIELD II Child Protector Kit:- Consists of 3 pairs of protectors to protect children's wrists, elbows and knees from abrasions and injuries- is created for children and adolescents – lovers of skating emotions and high speeds, and also for those who are just starting their skating adventure on roller skates, scooter or skateboard- Has elastic Velcro fastening, breathable lining- it is anatomically shaped for maximum freedom of movementThe SHILED II kit perfectly protects skaters while rollerblading, scootering or skateboarding , and are great protectors that protect wrists, elbows and knees during fast rides and when performing various maneuvers. Thanks to them, beginners do not have to worry about naturally occurring errors that often end in falls – the Spokey SHIELD II kit minimizes the risk of abrasions and injuries.Bet on safe skatingRiding a scooter, skateboard or roller skates is great fun and physical activity for children and teenagers. Unfortunately, without appropriate protection, abrasions or injuries can occur . The Spokey SHIELD II protector kit was designed to prevent them – providing comprehensive protection for small skaters in the form of knee, elbow and wrist protection. It is an indispensable element of equipment during roller skating, scooter or skateboard. The set consists of 3 pairs of protectors made of lightweight material, which ensures their low weight, maximum comfort and freedom of movement.Contoured protectors with elastic Velcro closureSkating is accompanied by a lot of emotions, so do not forget about safety. The Spokey SHILED II protector kit features a comfortable and durable elastic Velcro closure that can be easily adapted to your needs. Thanks to this solution , the protectors do not slip and always hold in place. Even the smallest can cope with this type of fastening, even those who are not yet able to tie even their shoelaces. Their anatomical shape perfectly adapts to the knees, elbows and wrists. Spokey SHIELD II protectors are very comfortable and do not hinder movement – thanks to the appropriate profiling, they easily adapt to the shape of the body and adhere well to it. In addition, they are very comfortable and do not restrict movement! The soft lining not only ensures comfort during use, but is also very breathable.Sizes:S - knee: 12.5 x 8.5 cm; elbows: 11.5 x 8 cm; wrist: 13 x 7 cmM - knee: 14 x 10 cm; elbows: 12.5 x 8.5 cm; wrist: 14.5 x 8 cmL - knee: 15.5 x 10 cm; elbows: 14 x 10 cm; wrist: 14.5 x 8 cmParameters:3-piece set: for elbows, knees, wristsMaterial: MESH K086, 10mm EVA foam, PPsizes: S, M, LUser weight: B (25 - 50 kg)Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 25 sets/cartonpossible sale of 1 set
  • Spokey GREAN Massage fitness roller
    Fitness massage roller Spokey GREAN:- excellent for strengthening the back, brucha, nôh and ďalších parts of the body,- irreplaceable helper before and after training - perfectly relaxes muscles,- made of innovative material (EPP foam), which is nielen pleasant and comfortable during the massage, but at the same time is resistant to high loads, deformations and mechanical damage,- characterized by very low absorption of water and moisture, as well as keeping it clean.Pen roller Spokey GREAN ensures smooth work of your muscles! Exercise with foam massage valcom is very beneficial for health - increases blood flow, improves movements during exercise, increases the range of movement and reduces the risk of injury!Postarajte sa o svoje svaly pred, počas a po tréninguHladký masážny valec je nepostrádateľnou súčasťou domovácich tréningov, pretože vám umožní samostatne uvolniť napäté svaly. It can be used during warm-ups before training or after training exercises. Využíva sa aj na zrýchlenie regenerácie svalov, čo môže pozitívne ovplyvniť váš tréning - svaly budú uvolnené a tréning sa pre vás stane potešením. Používaním valca Spokey GREAN môžete spestriť váš tréning, pri ktorom zapojíte aj menej používané muscle skupiny.Roller made of innovative materialFitness roller Spokey GREAN is great for strengthening training back, bruch and nôh, because its structure also provides gentle or intense massage. It is made of innovative material (EPP), which is resistant to high loads, deformation and mechanical damage. In addition, it is characterized by very low absorption of water and moisture, as well as keeping it clean.Parameters:material: EPP, resistant to heavy loads, deformation and mechanical damagePriemer: 14 cmlength: 33 cmWeight: 130 gHardness: Štandardlow absorption of water and moistureInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey HARDY Smooth Gel Massage Loptička, 65 mm
    Smooth gel massage loptic Spokey HARDY:- is a universal massage aid that is used to massage tense muscles of the muscles, neck, calves or feet, and at the same time it can be used to strengthen the palm muscles- it's small, so you can have it every time and everywhere you go- can be used as an anti-stress and relaxing locomotiveIf you are looking for something that will help you get rid of muscle tension and at the same time provide relief for sore feet, calves or shoulders, then put the Spokey HRADY lop on the gel massage. It's a small thing with a lot of power: massage with the help of a lotion is based on point pressure and massaging in the places that cause pain. This massage immediately relieves muscle tension and relieves pain in the overstretched part of the body. HARDY can also be used as an anti-stress or relaxation shovel - just press it rhythmically in the palm of your hand.Two-in-one: anti-stress and massage massageThe Spokey HARDY gel massage gel is designed for self-massage of strained muscles. It is small (diameter 6.5 cm), thanks to which you can always have it at hand! It fits into every handbag or backpack. It can be used to speed up the regeneration of massaged muscles before, during or after training. Thanks to the gel used, the lop can also be used to strengthen the palm muscles. The use of massage lops helps fight cellulite, supports skin regeneration and, last but not least, reduces and subsequently removes post-workout pain.Parameters:Material: GelSize: 6.5 cmWeight: 150 gInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonPossible predaj 1 pc
  • Spokey OSAKA Backpack and bag in one, 20 l, blue
    Spokey OSAKA backpack and bag in one:- 2-in-1 – you can carry it on your back or as a bag on your shoulder- 20 l capacity, allows you to pack all the things you need- It is lightweight, design and durable at the same time!- The backpack also has a set of interchangeable zipper pullers in two colors for easy product customizationMaterial: polyester 600D + PU coatingVolume: 20 lDimensions: 42 x 25 x 13 cmWeight: 330 gBackpack and bag in onecan be worn on the back or shoulder5 pockets + safety inner pockethigh-quality and durable zippersdurable and comfortable strapsTwo interchangeable zipper pullers in two colours
  • Spokey OSAKA Backpack and bag in one, 20 L, green
    Spokey OSAKA backpack and bag in one:- 2-in-1 – you can carry it on your back or as a bag on your shoulder- 20 l capacity, allows you to pack all the things you need- It is lightweight, design and durable at the same time!- The backpack also has a set of interchangeable zipper pullers in two colors for easy product customizationMaterial: polyester 600D + PU coatingVolume: 20 lDimensions: 42 x 25 x 13 cmWeight: 330 gBackpack and bag in onecan be worn on the back or shoulder5 pockets + safety inner pockethigh-quality and durable zippersdurable and comfortable strapsTwo interchangeable zipper pullers in two colours
  • Spokey HOME JUNGLE Weights for hands and feet 2x 0,5 kg
    Velcro weights Spokey HOME JUNGLE:- Velcro fasteners uľahčuje nazazazanie a guarantees their stable position during exercise.- sú dve závažia s rovnakou hmotnosťou, ktoré si môžete pripnúť na obe ruky, alebo nohy a mať tak rovnomerne rozloženú váh, alebo si môžete zvýšiť intenzitu tréningu tak, že si obe závážia dáte na jeden nohu či ruku.- available in 3 different transfers (from 0.5 to 1.5 kg) - zvoľte si model pre vaše tréningové ciele!The Spokey HOME JUNGLE Velcro Weight Set is equipped to perfectly complement your training. Pokiaľ hľadáte niečo, čo zvýši intensitu cvičenia a tým aj jeho výsledky - závazia sú idealne! Boli created on the strengthening of the lower and upper parts of the body during fitness training, aerobics, jogging, or exercise for overall development and rehabilitation.Dve závažia pre optimalizáciu tréninguSet Spokey HOME JUNGLE consists of 2 weights with equal material. Vďaka tomu môžete cvičiť tak, že si závazie pripnete na obe zápästia či členky, alebo zvýítete intensitu tým, že si obe závazía pripnete na jeden ruku/nohu. Fastening on Velcro uľahčuje nasadzovanie a zazavnosti ich stamennú polohu during exercise.Závažia sú dostupné v 3 rôznych prevedeniach (od 0,5 do 1,5 kg), vďaka tomu si môžete zvoliť model, ktorý je optimalálny pre vaše tréningové ciele. Pre ľahšie rozpoznanie hmotnosti má každá hmotnosť iný design.Použitie závažia Spokey HOME JUNGLE zintenzívuje tréning, stimulates prácou svalov a pomáha lepšie aktivovať rôzne časti tela. Cvičenie začínajte s nižšou hmotnosťou a postupne, so zvyšujúcou sa physical kondíciou zvyšujte aj hmotnosť závažia. Weights HOME JUNGLE are designed to fit perfectly into your home gym.Parameters:Material: Neoprenefilling: steel ballsVelcro fastenersmožnosť posilňovania predlaktia a nôhweight: 2x 0,5 kg
  • Spokey SHIELD II - 3-dielna set of children's protectors, yellow, vel. M
    Spokey SHIELD II Child Protector Kit:- Consists of 3 pairs of protectors to protect children's wrists, elbows and knees from abrasions and injuries- is created for children and adolescents – lovers of skating emotions and high speeds, and also for those who are just starting their skating adventure on roller skates, scooter or skateboard- Has elastic Velcro fastening, breathable lining- it is anatomically shaped for maximum freedom of movementThe SHILED II kit perfectly protects skaters while rollerblading, scootering or skateboarding , and are great protectors that protect wrists, elbows and knees during fast rides and when performing various maneuvers. Thanks to them, beginners do not have to worry about naturally occurring errors that often end in falls – the Spokey SHIELD II kit minimizes the risk of abrasions and injuries.Bet on safe skatingRiding a scooter, skateboard or roller skates is great fun and physical activity for children and teenagers. Unfortunately, without appropriate protection, abrasions or injuries can occur . The Spokey SHIELD II protector kit was designed to prevent them – providing comprehensive protection for small skaters in the form of knee, elbow and wrist protection. It is an indispensable element of equipment during roller skating, scooter or skateboard. The set consists of 3 pairs of protectors made of lightweight material, which ensures their low weight, maximum comfort and freedom of movement.Contoured protectors with elastic Velcro closureSkating is accompanied by a lot of emotions, so do not forget about safety. The Spokey SHILED II protector kit features a comfortable and durable elastic Velcro closure that can be easily adapted to your needs. Thanks to this solution , the protectors do not slip and always hold in place. Even the smallest can cope with this type of fastening, even those who are not yet able to tie even their shoelaces. Their anatomical shape perfectly adapts to the knees, elbows and wrists. Spokey SHIELD II protectors are very comfortable and do not hinder movement – thanks to the appropriate profiling, they easily adapt to the shape of the body and adhere well to it. In addition, they are very comfortable and do not restrict movement! The soft lining not only ensures comfort during use, but is also very breathable.Sizes:S - knee: 12.5 x 8.5 cm; elbows: 11.5 x 8 cm; wrist: 13 x 7 cmM - knee: 14 x 10 cm; elbows: 12.5 x 8.5 cm; wrist: 14.5 x 8 cmL - knee: 15.5 x 10 cm; elbows: 14 x 10 cm; wrist: 14.5 x 8 cmParameters:3-piece set: for elbows, knees, wristsMaterial: MESH K086, 10mm EVA foam, PPsizes: S, M, LUser weight: B (25 - 50 kg)Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 25 sets/cartonpossible sale of 1 set
  • Spokey ALTUS Self-folding outdoor screen, 195x100x85 cm - gray-turquoise
    An indispensable companion not only to the beaches  No matter where you plan to spend the summer this year, don't forget about your safety, which is the most important thing. Do you want your relaxation on the beach, in the garden or even in the park to be comfortable and undisturbed? If so, get the Spokey ALTUS screen! The lightweight and practical self-folding screen has been designed to guarantee you comfort during your summer rest and protect you from the sun and wind.  Optimal barrier against sun and windWhen resting on the beach, the wind can be very unpleasant. Therefore, a great solution is a screen that will optimally protect you from wind gusts. The undoubted advantage is also a waterproof floor that will protect you from moisture. The floor can be easily dried or cleaned, which will be appreciated by anyone who wants to quickly pack their equipment after their rest.  Lightweight self-folding beach screenParavan Altus – this is the highest quality during sun fun or picnic at an affordable price. It is great for the whole family or a few friends who want to spend time together. Its dimensions allow for comfortable use for both children and adults. The self-folding screen is lightweight and takes up little space when folded . Thanks to the system of immediate automatic unfolding and easy folding of the tent, the handling of the screen is very simple. Thanks to this, you will be able to easily store it or take it on any holiday or trip.  Highest qualityAt Spokey, we know how important it is to spend time together with family and friends. That is why we place great emphasis on the highest quality of our products. We want the time with your loved ones to be filled with joy and comfort. We test our products ourselves, so we hand over the Spokey Altus beach screen to your hands with full responsibility.    How to assemble a screen?The composition of the Spokey beach screen is very easy, with just a few movements and the screen turns into a light and practical hoop again. Thanks to this, you can easily take it on a long trip by car, train, or on a trip to a nearby park. Outdoor screen Spokey ALTUS:– perfect protection against sun and wind– waterproof floor– Made of lightweight and durable materials– instant automatic layout system– unique design and colorsParameters:single-layer beach screendimensions: 195 x 100 x 85 cmTropico Material: Polyester 190Tfloor: PE film, 110 g/m2, waterproofFrame: Material: Glass fiber, 5mmweight: 0,9 kgDesign allows quick assembly and disassembly of the tentpins for attachment to the substratepacked in packagingPackage dimensions: diameter 63 cmInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 19 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc 
  • Spokey SIROCCO M Rýchloschnúci uterák 40 x 80 cm, green with removable buckle
    A towel that will never leave you in the lurch!Sports and travel towel made of absorbent, soft and very pleasant material, is an ideal choice for avid athletes, travelers and tourists. Thanks to a special polyester and polyamide fiber, it takes up about 80% less space than a regular terry towel. We recommend using the Quick-drying Spokey Sirocco towel for all kinds of sports, when visiting the gym, swimming pool, camping, picnic, traveling – whether on holiday, hiking or on the beach.   We focus on health and safety!The microfiber towel has been manufactured with the latest technology. This makes it amazing absorbent and resistant to tearing or other damage. In addition, it has excellent breathable properties. The towel is made in accordance with EN 14362 – 1: 2012 – it is made of materials that are safest for the health of users.End of heavy and bulky towels- Perfect for any activity- Fast drying – dries quickly even without sunshine- Very light- Great absorption- Choice of 3 dimensions- Compact size after folding – fits anywhere  Practical and modern #veSpokeyStylu solutionWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.We offer the towel in three sizes:M – 40 x 80 cmL – 50 x 120 cmXL – 80 x 150 cmThe towel takes up 80% less space than a regular terry towel, but it is also 6 times lighter and absorbs water 4 times faster than a classic towel   . After getting dirty, just rinse it in water with a temperature of up to 30 ° C. Parameters:Material: 80% Polyester / 20% Polyamide = 100% Microfiberdimensions: M – 40 x 80 cmlightweight, quick-drying, absorbentcomfortable loop with removable bucklepacked in a practical mesh packageInformation for wholesale customers:packing: 120 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey NEMO Rychleschnúci uterák 40 x 40 cm, yellow with carabine
    Functional and always at hand!Travel and tourist towel of small size made of absorbent, soft and very pleasant material, is an ideal choice for avid athletes, travelers and tourists. Thanks to a special polyester and polyamide fiber, it takes up about 80% less space than a regular terry towel. The towel is equipped with a carabiner for attachment, for example, to a backpack.We recommend using the Quick-drying Towel Spokey NEMO for all kinds of sports, when visiting the gym, swimming pool, camping, picnic, traveling – whether on holiday or on hiking trips.Practical and modern #veSpokeyStylu solutionWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.The quick-drying material is soft and pleasant to the touch. Thanks to its properties, the towel dries much faster than a standard towel. The towel also includes a practical cover for easier and convenient carrying and storage. After getting dirty, just rinse it in water with a temperature of up to 30 ° C.Parameters:Material: 80% Polyester / 20% Polyamidesize: 40 x 40 cmlight, quick-drying,perfectly absorbs watercarabiner for convenient attachment to a backpack, for examplepacked in practical packagingInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 200 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey PERCH Snorkelling mask
    Spokey PERCH snorkeling mask with elastic band and snorkel mount.Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. The masks were created especially for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with your face immersed in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Even better underwater visibilityThe Spokey PERCH snorkeling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee underwater safety and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape and cheekpieces are made of silicone, which adapts easily and well to the face. Large tempered glass increases the perspective and width of underwater visibility. Spokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water does not get inside during diving. In the Spokey PERCH , the glass is made of tempered TG glass, the PC frame and the cheekpiece is made of silicone. Thanks to the use of this combination of materials, the use of the mask is  really safe!Innovative strap with snorkel attachmentSpokey PERCH has an elastic band with the possibility of attaching a snorkel, which makes it easy to put on and remove the mask. And in addition, it holds well on a wet head and does not pull hair!For complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first apply the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with an adjustable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in the water prepared in this way for several hours. Thanks to this, silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, will look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkelingParameters:Frame: PCglass: tempered TGCheekpiece and strap: Siliconestrap: elastic with snorkel attachment with length adjustment
  • Spokey SWAY - Boulder mat, wood
    The best training before skating is training with a Spokey SWAY balance board! Why? Because it is a unique product that at the same time strengthens the muscles, improves balance, stabilization and coordination. This will take your skateboard or snowboard ride to the next level!Perfect body controlSpokey SWAY ensures a safe and long-term workout, with just 30 minutes a day to improve your motor coordination! By exercising on the board , you strengthen the muscles, ankles, knees and hips. Perfectly suited as a support for the development of motor coordination and motor skills.Use of balance boardBalance and dexterity are very important elements during any physical activity. Perfectly developed senses contribute to better abilities when skiing, skateboarding or snowboarding. Self-control and maintaining stabilization during physical activity protect us from unwanted falls and injuries. SWAY spokey is great for any type of exercise and rehabilitation: during warm-up, during sensory, motor, medical or functional training.Even better motor coordinationThe Spokey SWAY wooden board was created with safe and high-quality training in mind. The set includes a board with an anti-slip surface and a roller under the board. This board design requires the user to properly balance the body, thanks to which the muscles of the deep stabilization system are engaged.Quality and technologySWAY will diversify your daily workouts. The board is made of wood, which ensures excellent quality and durability. The surface of the board prevents slipping. It is great for everyday home workouts!Parameters:Material: Woodsize: 73,5 x 28 x 1,8 cmcylinder size: 40 x 10 cmweight: 3,8 kgmax. weight. user: 200 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey FATTY Samonafukovacia mat 5 cm, blue
    Self-inflating mat Spokey FATTY:– thanks to excellent thermal insulation, provides the highest sleep comfort– it inflates itself – after opening the air valve, its inside fills itself– it is large (180 x 50 cm), durable and comfortableSpokey FATTY is a self-inflating mat that is an ideal solution for people who are looking for an alternative to classic mats or large inflatable mattresses. He is a great friend during trips – he provides the highest sleep comfort, excellent isolation from the ground and optimal support of the body when lying down.Self-inflatingThe mat does not need to be inflated – after opening the air valve, its inside fills itself. The process is automatic, there is no need to inflate the product using a pump or compressor. This will save you a lot of time and energy during long travels, trips, camping or mountain adventures.Comfortable sleep on the go!The self-inflating mat Spokey FATTY provides the highest sleep comfort. After inflating, it is possible to achieve a similar effect as during bed rest. Its thickness (5 cm) provides excellent insulation from the ground. Great to prove during camping! Quality and convenience of useThe FATTY mat was made of the highest quality materials, thanks to which it has increased resistance to damage and tearing. Its dimensions of 180 x 50 cm provide excellent comfort, and the thickness of 5 cm is an ideal layer of insulation from the ground. The Self-inflating Mat Spokey FATTY provides true comfort during sleep and has a high degree of thermal insulation (R-Value 2.5), which provides perfect protection from cold surfaces.Parameters:Material: Polyester 190TValve: PVCFilling: PVCdimensions: 180 x 50 cmthickness: 5 cmdimensions after folding: 56 x 12 cmpacked in packagingweight: 1400 gInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey PUMPTRACK Junior Cycling BMX Helmet IN-MOLD, 48-54 cm, blue
    Junior cycling BMX helmet IN-MOLD Spokey PUMPTRACK:- Designed to protect your head while cycling , BMX, skateboarding, scooter, or roller skates- weighs only 300 g – it is ultra-light and does not represent any unnecessary burden- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well If you love a fast and dynamic ride in the skatepark and not only there, keep in mind your own safety. An essential part of the equipment of every skating lover is a helmet that protects the head from injuries. The Spokey PUMPTRACK cycling helmet provides maximum protection for the head, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead.Classics and safety at the highest levelLearning tricks and jumps is associated with many unsuccessful attempts. During the performance of acrobatic stunts, we should use appropriate protectors and a helmet that will protect us from possible injuries. The Spokey PUMPTRACK helmet is CE certified and complies with EN 1078, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. The Head Lock control system allows the helmet to be optimally adapted to the head circumference of adults or teenagers.Ultra-light BMX helmetDuring production, we pay attention to all the details of our products. The Spokey PUMPTRACK helmet has been designed for users who appreciate the highest degree of comfort. It is extremely light (weighs only 300 g!), thanks to which it does not represent any unnecessary burden during wearing and provides high comfort during the ride. The helmet adapts perfectly to the head equivalent. It does not matter whether you are driving on concrete or gravel, thanks to the inner layer of EPS, the Spokey PUMPTRACK helmet absorbs vibrations generated during driving. Its task is also to absorb the force of impact during a fall.The Spokey PUMPTRACK Cycling BMX Helmet is a solution that ensures the maximum level of safety regardless of the conditions. The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Parameters:regulation: HeadLock - 48-54 cm, 54-58 cmquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backOuter surface: PC, In-moldInner Layer: Black EPSweight: 300 g +- 20 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc 
  • Spokey GOAL Futball Ball Shovel size L 5, white-green
    Futball shovel Spokey GOAL:- has machine-sewn panels that ensure strong and durable joints.- is ideal for everyday games and training on grass ihrisk.- má štandardný rozměr, ktorý sa používa vo futbale (5).Každá physical activity je proprozlešná pre naše zdravie, ale žiadna nie je tak popularárna ako futbal. Koniec koncov je to spojenie skutočnej passion, entertainment and súťaženia. Pokiaľ futbal ešte nepatrí medzi vaše obľúbené športové disciplíny, pak s loptou Spokey GOAL pre každodenné hry a tréningy sa futbal certainly stane one of your najobľúbenejších disciplines!Stable and durable constructionSpokey GOAL is a high quality futball shovel made of PVC (thermoplastic polyurethane elastomér). Its panels are machine-sewn, which guarantees the joint and solidity of the connection. Model futbalový lopty Spokey GOAL is made of classic six-hole panelov. The unique design with the dominant white color enriched with blue accents gives the lopte a unique character and distinguishes it from others.Ideal for grass futbalFutbal shovel Spokey GOAL is made in standard size for futbal. The circumference of the optimally nafúknutej shovel is: 690 mm +/- 10 mm and the mass is 280 g +/- 15 g. Futbalovú loptu Spokey GOAL je možné nafúknuť ako pumpičkou, tak aj kompresorom.Parameters:Material: PVC (1.6mm)Size: 5 (690 mm +/- 10 mm)Weight: 280 g +/- 15 gNumber of Vrstiev: 1sewn machine-madeNumber of panels: 32Informácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonlarge balenies: 200 pcs/cartonPossible for daj in 1 pc.
  • Spokey BUFFER II - 3-dielna set of children's protectors, blue, veľ. Xs
    Set of children's protectors Spokey BUFFER II:- Consists of 3 pairs of protectors made  of lightweight material that protect the wrists, elbows and knees of children when riding a scooter, roller skate or skateboard- Has an elastic Velcro closure that allows you to optimally adjust the size according to the needs of the small skater- has anatomical shape for maximum freedom of movementRollerblading, scooter or skateboarding isn't just great fun for kids! It is extraordinary emotions and reaching high speeds that are often accompanied by mistakes, especially in beginners, that can end in a fall or injury. And that's why you need to take care of the safety of you and your children. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, you need to equip yourself with appropriate protective equipment. The Spokey BUFFER II Children's Kit provides comprehensive protection for small skaters in the form of knee, elbow and wrist protection.Take care of children's safetyThe Spokey BUFFER II protector kit is an indispensable element of the equipment of every little skater. It is an ideal choice for rollerblading , scooter or skateboarding. The set consists of 3 pairs of protectors made of lightweight material that ensures their low weight, maximum comfort and freedom of movement. Buffer II protectors have an anatomical shape that is adapted to the knees, elbows and wrists of children. They are equipped with a comfortable and durable elastic Velcro fastener that can be easily adapted to the needs of the child. Thanks to this solution, the protectors do not slip and always hold in place. Even the smallest can cope with this type of fastening, even those who are not yet able to tie even their shoelaces.Anatomical shape and breathable materialSkating is accompanied by a lot of emotions, so do not forget about the safety of children. The Spokey BUFFER II Kids' Protector Kit lets you focus on the fun! In addition, it is very comfortable and does not restrict movement – thanks to the appropriate profiling, it easily adapts to the shape of the body and adheres well to it. The soft lining not only ensures comfort during use, but is also very breathable. With bold colors, the Spokey BUFFER II knee, elbow and wrist guards will be the perfect fashion accessory for any little skater.Sizes:XS - knee circumference: 24-28 cm; elbow circumference: 19-22 cm; circumference of the middle part of the palm: 20-22 cm, wrist circumference 11-13 cmS - knee circumference: 26-30 cm; elbow circumference: 21-24 cm; circumference of the middle part of the palm: 21-23 cm, wrist circumference 14-16 cmM - knee circumference: 29-34 cm; elbow circumference: 22-26 cm; circumference of the middle part of the palm: 22-24 cm, wrist circumference 16.5-18.5 cmParameters:3-piece set: for elbows, knees, wristsMaterial: Polyester, EVA foam 5 mmlining: 2 mmMounting: elastic bands with Velcrosizes: XS, S, MUser weight: B (25 - 50 kg)Information for wholesale customers:packing: 24 sets/cartonpossible sale of 1 set
  • Spokey SIROCCO XL Rýchloschnúci uterák 80x150 cm, green with removable buckle
    A towel that will never leave you in the lurch!Sports and travel towel made of absorbent, soft and very pleasant material, is an ideal choice for avid athletes, travelers and tourists. Thanks to a special polyester and polyamide fiber, it takes up about 80% less space than a regular terry towel. We recommend using the Quick-drying Spokey Sirocco towel for all kinds of sports, when visiting the gym, swimming pool, camping, picnic, traveling – whether on holiday, hiking or on the beach.   We focus on health and safety!The microfiber towel has been manufactured with the latest technology. This makes it amazing absorbent and resistant to tearing or other damage. In addition, it has excellent breathable properties. The towel is made in accordance with EN 14362 – 1: 2012 – it is made of materials that are safest for the health of users.End of heavy and bulky towels- Perfect for any activity- Fast drying – dries quickly even without sunshine- Very light- Great absorption- Choice of 3 dimensions- Compact size after folding – fits anywhere  Practical and modern #veSpokeyStylu solutionWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.We offer the towel in three sizes:M – 40 x 80 cmL – 50 x 120 cmXL – 80 x 150 cmThe towel takes up 80% less space than a regular terry towel, but it is also 6 times lighter and absorbs water 4 times faster than a classic towel   . After getting dirty, just rinse it in water with a temperature of up to 30 ° C. Parameters:Material: 80% Polyester / 20% Polyamide = 100% Microfiberdimensions: XL - 80 x 150 cmlightweight, quick-drying, absorbentcomfortable loop with removable bucklepacked in a practical mesh packageInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey OAK Cork massage lop, 65 mm
    Cork massage ball Spokey DOUBLE OAK:- provides relief to tense muscles of shoulders , arms and calves, massage to sore feet and other parts of the body- it is a product from our EKO range – the ball is made of natural cork, which makes it light, durable and pleasant to the touch- fits in any backpack or handbag, so you can always have it at handDo you have a sedentary job? Do you often complain of muscle pain? Take care of your health and bet on a massage ball! With it you will feel real relief from tense and sore feet, and muscle pain in the shoulders or calves. Spokey OAK is a small product with great strength: massage with the use of a ball is based on point pressure and massaging in places that cause pain. Such a massage immediately relieves muscle tension and relieves pain in the overloaded part of the body.Relief for the bodyThe Spokey OAK massage ball is a product that comes in handy both during and after the warm-up. It can be used to accelerate the regeneration of the massaged muscles, which can greatly affect your training – your muscles relax and the workout becomes a pleasure for you. Thanks to the natural cork used, Spokey OAK is not only firm, but above all pleasant to the touch. What's more, it does not cause allergies, does not absorb moisture and is easy to clean.Always have it close at handThe Spokey OAK massage cork ball was created for self-massage of everyone, regardless of age. It is small (it has a diameter of 6 cm), thanks to which you can always have it with you. Fits in any backpack or purse.Parameters:Material: Natural Corkdimensions: 6 cmInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey TORPEDO - swimming chip double layer čierna
    Two-layer swimming chip joint the advantages of textile material and silicone. Vrastva PU protect against premocnutím and nežiadúcimi effects pool water. The inner layer of the material uľahčuje založenie a neničí hair. Resistant to rupture. Ideálne sa prispôsobuje tvaru hlavy.Material: PU+spandexBalenie: 144pcs/cardboard flexible ground fiber, ako lycracra
  • Spokey COMPETITOR Ping-pong racket *** with anatomical hand
    A bat with medium speed, medium ball rotation and medium bounce control. The parameters of the bat are suitable for intermediate players.Parameters:number of layers: 7Cover color: one side red, the other side blackhandle:AN (anatomical) – more convex in the middle part, suitable for players with a larger palmfoam thickness: 2.0 mmSpeed: 1/10: 6rotation: 1/10: 6check: 1/10: 8Possible sale of 1 piece
  • Spokey EARCAP Swimming cap, silver
    Features: swimming cap for recreational purposesspecially profiled shape ensures ear protectionideally adapts to the shape of the headMaterial: Siliconeincreased chlorine resistance
  • Spokey SIGIL Swimming okuliare, clear
    Bet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer period, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to get to know the richness of the underwater world, develops curiosity in children and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a body defect. It also helps from joint and spine pain.For swimming, it is enough just to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own convenience, we also recommend considering buying a bathing cap that protects the hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the glasses, we avoid contact of the eyes with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.Spokey Sigil swimming goggles were made for recreational swimmers.The combination of the latest technology and the best quality, that's swimming #veSpokeyStylu!The glasses were made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer that protects against fogging. The glass has a UV solar control filter, thanks to which it is possible to use it outdoors in the sun.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere maximally to the face, which prevents water from entering the glasses.Spokey Sigil glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.The glasses have a double silicone strap for optimal tension distribution. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the strap, the glasses can be easily adjusted to the circumference of the head.RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows observation under water.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses after each use under running water.Parameters:Glass: PolycarbonateFilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog layer (fog protection)silicone sealStrap: double silicone thin strap, length control option
  • Spokey SKIMO Swimming okuliare, dark pink
    Bet on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer period, when we spend time by the water or at the swimming pool. Diving allows us to get to know the richness of the underwater world, develops curiosity in children and teaches new abilities. Swimming is a year-round sport that can be practiced outdoors and indoors.Swimming #veSpokeyStyluSwimming is a sport that greatly affects our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the spine, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a body defect. It also helps from joint and spine pain.For swimming, it is enough just to buy a swimsuit. However, for your own convenience, we also recommend considering buying a bathing cap that protects the hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the glasses, we avoid contact of the eyes with water and we can keep our eyes open even under water.Spokey Skimo swim goggles were made for recreational swimmers.Combining the latest technology and the best qualityThe glasses were made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer that protects against fogging. The glass has a UV solar control filter, thanks to which it is possible to use it outdoors in the sun.Thanks to the soft, silicone seal , the glasses adhere maximally to the face, which prevents water from entering the glasses.Spokey Skimo glasses are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They come in a case that protects them from scratches during storage and transportation.The glasses have a double silicone strap for optimal tension distribution. Thanks to the convenient and especially easy adjustment of the strap and beam, the glasses can be easily adapted to the circumference of the head.RECOMMENDATIONThe use of glasses protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows observation under water.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses that must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the glasses after each use under running water.Parameters:Glass: PolycarbonateFilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog layer (fog protection)silicone sealcheekpiece: Silicone3 beam sizesStrap: double silicone thin strap, length control option
  • Spokey VISTA JUNIOR Swimming okuliare priehľadné s modrým
    strip: silicone, doubleBuckles: TPEproperties: swimming okuliare v štýle plaveckej masky, k rekreačného použitiudarkened glass or mirror surfaceBalenie: 12 pcs/cartonPossible delivery of 1 piece
  • Spokey FLIPPI JR Children's swimming eyepieces, purple-pink
    Children's thumb eyepieces FLIPPI JRBuild on a healthy lifestyle and start the change with Spokey products! Water sports are mainly associated with the holiday and summer periods, when we spend time by the water or at the bath. Diving allows us to discover the riches of the deceitful world, develops children's curiosity and teaches them new skills. Swimming is a year-round swimming that can be carried out indoors.Swimming is a sport that greatly influences our health and fitness. Due to the fact that it strengthens the muscles around the back, it is often recommended to people who have been diagnosed with a physical defect. It also helps with pain in the muscles and back. For swimming, it is enough to get boats. However, for your own convenience, we recommend that you also consider purchasing a bathing cap that protects your hair from the negative effects of chlorine. Thanks to the oculia, we limit the contact of the eyes with water and we can also keep the eyes open under water.Combination of the latest technologies and the best qualityThe Spokey Flippi JR swimming eyepieces were made for children and juniors who are just starting to swim. The eyepieces are made of durable and user-friendly materials. They are supplied in a case that protects them from poškriabaním počas skladovania a prepravy. The glass eyepiece was made of high-quality and lightweight polycarbonate with an Anti-Fog layer, protecting against fogging. They have a UV glass filter, thanks to which it is possible to use it on the sun. Thanks to the soft, silicone seal, the eyepieces are maximally close to the face, which prevents water from entering the oculiers. Thanks to the comfortable and particularly simple adjustment of the silicone strap, it is easy to adjust the eyepiece to the circumference of the head, which can be easily handled by even the youngest swimmers.Advice and recommendationsThe use of eyepieces protects sensitive eyes from contact with water and allows underwater observations.They are indispensable for people who have contact lenses who must not come into contact with the water in the pool.To ensure a longer shelf life of the product, rinse the eyepieces under running water after each use.Parameters:Glass: Polycarbonatefilter: UVCoating: Anti-Fog coating (anti-fog protection)Silicone sealsCheekpiece: siliconBelt: Silicone thin beltSimple and fast regulation of the tape in the back of the head
  • Spokey HOTTY Termofľaša, oceľ, 0,52 l, čierná
    An indispensable companion during travel, 100% sealing and precisely made of the highest quality materials? This is the Spokey HOTTY thermo bottle! Essential during trips and to work!You can take the Spokey Hotty thermo bottle literally anywhere – it's perfect for a family trip, a mountain hike, on your way to work or on any other adventure.  It is made of the best materials so that it has increased mechanical resistance to possible damage or scratches. Very long lasting!The Hotty model will keep hot or cold drinks for a very long time. If you fill the bottle with boiling water (100°C), the drink will stay warm for up to 24 hours*. Thanks to this, it gives you the opportunity to take with you a large amount of hot drink – coffee or tea.*Temperature maintenance depends on the amount and temperature of the beverage, the frequency of opening and the ambient temperature.Perfect thermal insulation #veSpokeyStyluThe 520 ml Spokey Hotty thermal bottle has a premium screw cap that never gets lost and that doesn't leak out. Thanks to its size, it fits in any bag or backpack. It also gives you the opportunity to take a large amount of hot drink – coffee or tea – with you. Trust us – it's always worth having it at hand during any travel! Parameters:Material: 304 steel (double walls)Other materials: Silicone, PPvolume: 520 mlDimensions: Diameter: 7cm / Height: 19.7cmhigh-quality screw cap that does not get lost and does not leakmaintains the temperature of the fluid for a very long time:- cold: 24 hours- warm: 24 hoursInformation for wholesale customers:packing: 32 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey MrsFIT Women's fitness coliesky korčule, clear-blue, ABEC7, veľ. 40
    Please note: Please pay attention when choosing a size according to the size chart below. Please check the length of the insole in cm thoroughly before buying. Women's Skates Spokey MrsFIT:- Thanks to polyurethane wheels and ABEC7 carbon bearings, they are the best choice for fast and dynamic driving- have a composite chassis that reduces and absorbs vibrations when driving on uneven surfaces- have an anatomically shaped inner shoe with a triple fastening system that keeps the foot in the correct positionRollerblading brings pleasure and great fun! It is one of the best ways to actively spend your free time and unwind from everyday duties. No matter what riding style you choose, rollerblading has a positive effect not only on body shaping, but also on improving physical fitness. At the beginning it takes a little patience and above all ... proven and safe equipment. Roller skates for recreational riding must be comfortable and tightly wrap around the foot. And that's exactly what the Spokey MrsFIT skates are!Excellent handling and stability while drivingDo you dream of a fast ride full of free maneuvers? Bet on MrsFIT roller skates with an anatomical inner shoe that, in combination with a triple fastening system (laces, Velcro and double buckle), adheres tightly to the foot, prevents heel movements while riding and facilitates balancing while riding. At the same time, it reduces the risk of injury and allows for perfect driving control. The booties are made of lightweight and breathable material that makes the skates light and do not burden the feet, plus they are reinforced with hard elements that keep the foot in the correct position. Thanks to the low-set boots and reinforced front, the Spokey MrsFIT roller skates are very easy to operate!Comfort and safetyWomen's Spokey MrsFIT roller skates – this is a combination of comfortable riding, the best technical parameters and a unique design. They are equipped with polyurethane wheels with a hardness of 82A. With them you can achieve the highest speeds without having to worry about their service life. ABEC7 carbon bearings ensure a smooth ride – they are significantly faster than bearings with lower numbers. The roller skates have a durable composite chassis that absorbs vibrations entering during riding on uneven surfaces and absorbs shocks much better than an aluminum chassis . Thanks to them, you will feel maximum comfort during the ride! Spokey MrsFIT roller skates are equipped with ANTISHOCK heel pads, which absorb shocks very well when riding on difficult surfaces (e.g. cobblestones) or when performing tricks. This model of roller skates will be appreciated by both beginners and advanced fans of fitness riding.size / length of insert in cm36: 23.0 cm37: 23.7 cm38: 24.7 cm39: 25.5 cm40: 25.9 cm41: 26.1 cmParameters:Chassis: Compositematerial:outer shoe: semi-soft shell (PP, PVC)inner shoe: EVA + PU + velor + foam + meshbearings: ABEC7 Carbonwheels: 82A PUwheel size:72x20 mm – size 36-3880x20 mm – size 39-41brake: TPRantishockFastening: double buckle with fuse, Velcro, lacingmaximum user weight: 100 kgstandard EN 13843Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 4 pairs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pair
  • Spokey ORI Kolieskové korčule, čierno-biele, ABEC9 Carbon, veľ. 37-40
    Controllable roller skates Spokey ORI are ready for demanding users. The technical parameters have been specially designed to give the greatest driving pleasure.Please note: Please pay attention when choosing a size according to the size chart below. Please check the length of the insole in cm thoroughly before buying. QUALITYWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.We know that it is important to differentiate ourselves, so we place special emphasis on original and elaborate design. Spokey skates are made in accordance with the latest trends and the most modern colors.TECHNOLOGY AND BENEFITSWith the Spokey ORI, you can quickly and seamlessly adjust the necessary size, which allows you to optimally adapt the shoe to the foot. It only takes a few seconds. It is an excellent solution for those who are still growing as well as for those who have a size "at the interface" (e.g. 36/37).When choosing skates, pay special attention to the chassis. In the ORI model, the chassis is made of aluminum, which guarantees a long service life while maintaining a very low weight.The ORI model is designed for those who want to try something new, feel excited about higher speed.The wheels are made of durable PU, with a hardness of 82A, which is optimal for recreational riding. ABEC9 Carbon bearings guarantee the highest precision, long service life and high running speed.Triple fastening system: laces, Velcro and double clasp guarantee not only optimal adaptation to the legs, but above all the highest level of safety. Thanks to the convenient and rigid fastening system, each user can customize the skates according to their needs.To achieve maximum comfort during riding, ORI skates have different wheel dimensions depending on the selected size: from 70 mm to 72 mm. Aluminum chassis 6061 is shaped by special CNC technology. As a result, these chassis are stronger than any other. Insert Fitness Air System with increased breathability improves heat and moisture transfer. Carbon steel bearings. ABEC 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 is a standard defining the accuracy with which bearings were manufactured, which determines the smoothness of rotation and the speed achieved.ABEC 9 Carbon guarantee the highest precision, long service life and high driving speed. A specially profiled inner shoe prevents the heel from moving while riding.size / length of insert in cm33-36: 20.2 - 22.6 cm37-40: 23.4 - 25.8 cm40-41: 25.8 - 28.2 cmParameters:adjustableChassis: Aluminumbearings: ABEC9 Carbonwheels: 82A, PUbrake: TPRwheel dimensions:70 mm - size 33-3672 mm - vel. 37-41Fastening: double buckle with fuse, Velcro, lacingProduct certified at weight: 60 kgsizes: 33-36, 37-40, 40-41Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 6 pairs / carton
  • Spokey CITY SOLAR City backpack so solar panelom, 30 l
    Spokey CITY SOLAR city backpack:- Has an integrated solar panel, thanks to which you can charge phones, tablets, smart watches, cameras or laptops via USB, in an environmentally friendly way - solar energy- thanks to its volume of 30 l , it is great for work, school, shopping, sports activities and trips- Equipped with reflective elements to increase safety in all conditionsAre you looking for a backpack that fits all the necessary things and at the same time will be comfortable and functional? Bet on the Spokey CITY SOLAR urban backpack to accompany you on your way to school, work, shopping, trips or while traveling. The city backpack with solar panel is made of the highest quality materials that ensure versatility and protection from external influences and mechanical damage. What makes the CITY SOLAR urban backpack so practical is the eco-friendly solar panel, which uses solar energy to charge the device via the USB port. This makes any device – phone, tablet, laptop, camera or smartwatch – always ready to use.Urban backpack with solar panelThe Spokey CITY SOLAR backpack has an integrated solar panel that can fully charge your smartphone in 7 to 8 hours on a clear, cloudless day. The solar panel uses solar energy even on days when it is cloudy! The USB port is located on the outside of the backpack and additionally secured. With this backpack, you no longer have to think about packing a power bank with you for the trip, and you don't even have to worry about your phone running out of power during your trip. This solution is ideal during long trips, trips or work outside the office.Volume and comfortThe volume of the CITY SOLAR city backpack is up to 30 liters. Allows you to comfortably pack all the necessary things for a day trip. The long, high-quality zipper allows easy access to the main compartment, which also has a special pocket for the laptop. The backpack has several other smaller pockets for a comfortable and clear arrangement of smaller accessories. The comfortable support system used allows you to evenly distribute the load, and thanks to the regulation, you can customize the backpack exactly according to your needs.Visible even after darkIn addition, the Spokey CITY SOLAR hiking backpack is equipped with reflective elements for better visibility after dark. This is especially important when walking in poorly lit areas and along roads.Parameters:Material: Polyestervolume: 30 ldimensions: 46 x 33 x 18 cmSolar panel: 1 pc, 8 W/6VSolar panel size: 27 x 21 cmFolding Solar Panel: NoBuilt-in USBReflective elements to increase safetyWeight: 0.9 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 18 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey BOLD II Fľaša na pitie, PCTG / Bidon, 1 l, sivá
    Ensure the correct drinking regime of the whole family with a PCTG water bottle – Spokey BOLD II with a volume of 1 l!Bet on ecology!The Spokey BOLD II water bottle is specially designed for everyday use. It allows you to always have water with you – at school, at work or during training. A precision-crafted bottle made of the finest materials is an essential part of travelling! Plus, it's a great choice for those who care about the environment, because the reusable BOLD II bottle will reduce plastic consumption. Be ECO!Drinking regime for the whole family!You can take the Spokey BOLD II bottle literally anywhere – it is suitable for a family trip, mountain hike, school, work or any other adventure. Sufficient fluid intake is very important, so it is good to always have the water bottle at hand. The bottle seals very well and thanks to the highest quality materials used, it has increased resistance to mechanical damage.Select #veSpokeyStyluThe 1 L spokey BOLD II bottle has a screw-on wide mouthpiece. Thanks to its size , it fits in any bag or backpack, while giving you the ability to take plenty of water with you wherever you go. Trust us – it's always worth having it at hand during any travel!Parameters:Material: PCTGvolume: 1 lscrew mouthpieceDimensions: Diameter: 8cm / Height: 26cmApplicable in temperature range: -20°C / 50°CInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 72 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey AIR BED PILLOW BIG Inflatable mattress with vankúšikom 213x62x6 cm, gray
    Trekking ultralight mattress Spokey AIR BED PILLOW BIG:- it is extremely light and packed in a practical package - the dimensions after folding are 25 x 8 x 8 cm, thanks to which it fits into any bag, suitcase or backpack,- provides excellent thermal insulation and high sleep comfort - with it you will feel at home,- is an enlarged model (213 x 62 cm) with a special cushion for maximum comfort of rest with support for the head and neck.The choice between a mat, a self-inflating mat and a hiking mattress is a matter of individual preference. The latter option is the best option for those who appreciate the smallest possible load on the backpack. Dimensions Spokey AIR BED PILLOW BIG after folding are only 25 x 8 x 8 cm! Compared to self-inflating mats and classic mats, the trekking mattress after folding is several times smaller and lighter, which allows you to save a lot of space in your backpack. It fits easily into any backpack, suitcase or bag. It is the best option for those who bet on a comfortable rest, low weight and small dimensions of the mattress after folding. It will become an irreplaceable part of the equipment of your weekend trips, survival and outdoor adventures.Incredibly practical, ultra-light and compactSpokey AIR BED PILLOW BIG is an ultra-light trekking mattress that provides excellent isolation from the ground and optimal support for the whole body. The mattress uses a large number of built-in air chambers, thanks to which the user's body during sleep perfectly adapts to the surface and keeps itself in the most comfortable position. After inflating, you will feel like in your own bed. Its thickness (6 cm) provides excellent insulation into the ground. Great for camping and camping trips under the tent. The mattress is made of waterproof and mechanically very durable nylon reinforced with a TPU layer, thanks to which it better insulates the cold from the ground.Large mattress with cushionTrekking mattress Spokey AIR BED PILLOW BIG is an enlarged model (213 x 62 x 6 cm), which thanks to its large dimensions allows comfortable regeneration even for very tall travelers. A special pillow also contributes to an even more comfortable sleep and optimal support of the body during rest! The pillow is the perfect support for the neck and head.Parameters:Material: 20D/40D nylon covered TPUdimensions: 213 x 62 x 6 cmheat coefficient R-value: 2.5dimensions after folding: 25 x 8 x 8 cmweight: 580 gpacked in packaging
  • Spokey AIR MAT Self-inflating mat 3 cm, gray-green
    Self-inflating mat Spokey AIR MAT:- it inflates itself - after opening the air valve, its inside will fill itself,- it is large (185 x 55 cm), strong (3 cm) and very light (980 g), does not take up much space after folding, has a much smaller volume and weight than classic mats, which makes it the best choice if you want to pack the mat in a backpack,- provides protection from cold surface and provides excellent thermal insulation,- is a great choice for all those who are looking for an alternative to classic, thinner mats and inflatable mattresses.Self-inflating mats are a great alternative to conventional mats that are too thin, as well as mattresses that need to be inflated manually. The self-inflating mat Spokey AIR MAT combines the properties of both, making it very practical. It provides the highest sleep comfort and excellent isolation from the ground when sleeping in a tent or during camping. The big advantage of the Spokey AIR MAT self-inflating mat is its low weight and small volume, which makes it the best choice if you want to pack the mat in a backpack. Due to the fact that it is filled with air, it provides perfect protection from cold surfaces and very effectively reduces heat loss. At the same time, according to the pressure, it adapts to the shape of your body.Tourist self-inflating matIf you are planning an overnight stay in a cozy or somewhere in the field (e.g. in a tent) and you already have a sleeping bag, it's time to choose the right mat. With Spokey AIR MAT, you'll feel like you're at home in your own bed every night! It will provide you with optimal support for your body during rest, plus it will inflate itself. You just need to open the air valve and its inside will fill with air itself. This solution allows you to save a lot of time and strength, which is extremely important during long weekend trips and mountain adventures. Say goodbye to large bulky mattresses with pumps, and replace them with a self-inflating mat Spokey AIR MAT, which does not take up much space after folding and allows you to save space in the backpack for other outdoor accessories. AIR MAT is made of the highest quality materials, thanks to which it has increased resistance to mechanical damage and tearing. Its dimensions after inflating ensure excellent comfort.Excellent insulation from cold groundSpokey AIR MAT is an exceptional self-inflating mat that, thanks to its thickness (3 cm), ensures excellent insulation from the ground. It has a high insulation grade, which testifies to its excellent protection from cold surfaces. It is very effective in limiting heat loss during cold nights. It's the perfect partner under a tent and during camping!Parameters:Material: 75D polyester pongee covered with PVCInner Material: PU Foamdimensions: 185 x 55 x 3 cmweight: 980 gInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 12 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey AIR PAD Self-inflating mat 2.5 cm, blue
    Self-inflating mat Spokey AIR PAD:- provides protection from cold surfaces and provides excellent thermal insulation,- has a small volume and low weight, which makes it the best choice if you want to pack the mat in a backpack,- it inflates itself - after opening the air valve, its inside will fill itself,- it is large (180 x 50 cm), strong (2.5 cm) and, in addition, very comfortable and durable.The Spokey AIR PAD self-inflating mat is a proven solution that allows you to spend the night in the field in comfortable conditions. It combines the advantages of classic sleeping mats and inflatable mattresses. It is extremely lightweight, thermal insulating, and at the same time, thanks to the fact that it is filled with air, it perfectly compensates for terrain unevenness and reduces the pressure of small twigs and stones that are located on the ground. It is much more comfortable than classic foam mats because they easily adapt to the pressure of the body and adapt their shape to it. The great advantage of the Spokey AIR PAD self-inflating mat is its low weight and small volume, which makes it easy to pack in a backpack.Self-inflatingThe Spokey AIR PAD self-inflating mat is the most comfortable solution for travelling. All you have to do is open the air valve, and its inside will fill with air itself. This solution allows you to save a lot of time and strength, which is extremely important during long weekend trips and mountain adventures. After filling with air, you can achieve similar comfort with the Spokey AIR PAD as if you were at home in your bed. And that's why it's the best choice for nights spent in a tent or in cosy rooms.Indispensable during nights in the fieldSpokey AIR PAD is the best alternative to classic foam mats and inflatable mattresses. It provides a comfortable sleep, excellent isolation from the ground and optimal support for the body. It is made of the highest quality materials, thanks to which it has increased resistance to mechanical damage and tearing. Its dimensions after inflating (180 x 50) ensure comfort, and its thickness (2.5 cm) provides an ideal insulating layer from the ground. The mat has a high level of insulation, which testifies to its excellent protection from cold surfaces. It is very effective in limiting heat loss during cold nights.Parameters:Material: 75D polyester pongee covered with PVCInner Material: PU Foamheat coefficient R-value: 3dimensions: 180 x 50 x 2,5 cmweight: 890 gInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 12 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey SERPENTE Detský cestovný vankúšik v tvare hada s držiakom na telefón
    The Spokey SEREPENTE children's travel cushion is great for long journeys, but it can also be used when relaxing at home or in the garden.The ergonomic shape of the SEREPENTE cushion is well suited for travel and relaxation. Provides optimal head and neck support.Parameters:Outer material: 100% polyester plushFilling: 100% polystyrene ballsdimensions: 30 x 80 cmweight: 450 gIn accordance with the standard: EN 71-1, 71-2, 71-3Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey EKVILIBRO Trekking mallets, 3-dielne, strieborno-red
    3-piece trekking poles Spokey Ekvilibro are ready for those who spend their holidays actively in nature.QUALITYWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.TECHNOLOGY AND BENEFITSThanks to the possibility of adjusting the length of the sticks in the range of 105-135 cm, the user can adjust the length according to his needs.After folding, trekking poles have a length of only 64 cm, which facilitates their transportation and storage.The Ekvilibro model has handles made of non-slip material. They are lightweight, do not absorb moisture and do not slip from the hands.Shock absorbing system - prevents the transmission of excessive loads to the wrists and elbows of the user.Tip with increased durability compared to standard models. It allows a comfortable march over a demanding and hard surface.Protective tip tips are added to the sticks, which protect the wear of the tip when walking on a hard surface (concrete, asphalt).SPECIFIEDSupport during mountain hikes, walks and excursions.ParametersMaterial: Aluminum 6061Handle: PPNumber of Parts: 3Band Control: StandardLocking parts of the stick: internalAnti-shock system: Yestip: cemented carbideSaucer: Summer, Replaceablelength: 105-135 cmlength after folding: 64 cmweight: 610 gadditional elements: end caps for sticksreplaceable tipPacking: 15 pairs/cartonPossible sale of 1 pair.
  • Spokey RIDE LONG Men's long cycling gloves, clear-red vel. M
    Spokey RIDE LONG cycling gloves:- ensure a comfortable grip on the handlebars and prevent unpleasant abrasions and bruises,- absorb shocks, wick away moisture and are very breathable,- provide excellent grip and firm grip on the handlebars,- have special index finger ends for touch screen control,- the thumb is made of terry material, and is intended to wipe sweat,- Thanks to the adjustable Velcro fastening, the glove adapts perfectly to the shape of your palm.The Spokey RIDE LONG long cycling glove provides excellent grip and a firm grip on the handlebars. They reduce hand slipping and prevent unpleasant imprints and abrasions. And thanks to the breathable inner and outer mesh layers, they perfectly manage to wick away moisture, ensure optimal breathability and dry quickly. With gloves like these, you'll be in complete control! It's the best choice for summer.Specialized cycling glovesThe RIDE LONG cycling glove has special gel pads that absorb vibrations while riding on uneven surfaces, while increasing driving comfort. The thumb is made of terry material that absorbs moisture well and is great for wiping sweat. At the same time, it has a special cut that prevents pressure on the skin and thus prevents unwanted abrasions. Their great advantage is the adjustable Velcro strap, thanks to which you can customize the gloves exactly according to your needs.Use your phone with glovesThe Spokey RIDE LONG cycling glove is a combination of comfort and elegance. Their shape and functionality significantly increase the comfort of riding a bike or scooter. But at the same time, they can be used as a summer universal glove. You don't have to take them off when using your phone – they have special index finger ends for easy operation of the touchscreens.Parameters:Material: 60% nylon, 30% polyurethane, 10% elastanesummer long cycling glovesEasily adapts to your palmIndex finger tips are ready for use with touch screensElastic mesh ensures optimal airflow and fast drying of the glovesspecial cut of gloves protects against pressure on the ulnar nervegel pads ensure high comfortthumb is made of terry materialVelcro closure for added comfort and better glove fittingAvailable in sizes: M, L, XL
  • Spokey CHERUB Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD, 48-52 cm, clear-red
    Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD Spokey CHERUB:- Provides maximum head protection when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- has 13 ventilation holes- Weighs only 155g, is super light and does not represent unnecessary load- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well A modern cycling helmet that ensures maximum safety and at the same time is stylish? This sounds like the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet , which, thanks to the latest modern technologies, durable materials, unique design and unique colors, allows you to stand out among others whether you ride a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter. It provides absolute head protection against dangerous injuries and abrasions that can occur both in beginners during riding lessons and in experienced skaters during dynamic riding.Lightweight and durable children's helmet with 13 ventilation holesThe Spokey CHERUB children's cycling helmet is an absolute must have! After all, regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced rider, there are accidents that can cause us to get injured. To minimize the risk of injury, it is advisable to use a helmet and protectors. The Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet provides head protection and does not represent any unnecessary burden when in use , as it weighs only 155 g. It perfectly protects against injury and at the same time is extremely durable. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which very well absorbs the vibrations generated when driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact during a fall. It is an ideal choice for those who decide to start their skating adventure.Perfect head protectionThe Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. In addition to maximum head protection, it also provides maximum ride comfort, which is ensured by 13 ventilation holes! You don't have to worry about helmet sizes – the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet has a Head Lock control system in the range of 48-52 cm or 52-56 cm (depending on the selected size). The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 48-52 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backquick fastening under the neckOuter surface: PC, In-mouldInner Layer: Black EPSnumber of ventilation holes: 13weight: 155 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey CHERUB Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD, 52-56 cm, red-blue
    Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD Spokey CHERUB:- Provides maximum head protection when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- has 13 ventilation holes- Weighs only 155g, is super light and does not represent unnecessary load- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well A modern cycling helmet that ensures maximum safety and at the same time is stylish? This sounds like the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet , which, thanks to the latest modern technologies, durable materials, unique design and unique colors, allows you to stand out among others whether you ride a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter. It provides absolute head protection against dangerous injuries and abrasions that can occur both in beginners during riding lessons and in experienced skaters during dynamic riding.Lightweight and durable children's helmet with 13 ventilation holesThe Spokey CHERUB children's cycling helmet is an absolute must have! After all, regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced rider, there are accidents that can cause us to get injured. To minimize the risk of injury, it is advisable to use a helmet and protectors. The Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet provides head protection and does not represent any unnecessary burden when in use , as it weighs only 155 g. It perfectly protects against injury and at the same time is extremely durable. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which very well absorbs the vibrations generated when driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact during a fall. It is an ideal choice for those who decide to start their skating adventure.Perfect head protectionThe Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. In addition to maximum head protection, it also provides maximum ride comfort, which is ensured by 13 ventilation holes! You don't have to worry about helmet sizes – the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet has a Head Lock control system in the range of 48-52 cm or 52-56 cm (depending on the selected size). The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 52-56 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backquick fastening under the neckOuter surface: PC, In-mouldInner Layer: Black EPSnumber of ventilation holes: 13weight: 155 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey TRACY fitness rubber blue heavy
    Fitness rubber Spokey TRACY:- Great support during yoga, stretching, fitness and Pilates exercises - Made of durable material, which ensures a long service life- Resistance: 35-55 kgThe use of closed-circuit fitness gums during training allows you to maximize the effects of training and focus on different parts of the body. Raise your training levelSpokey TRACY fitness rubbers are a great choice for both beginners and professional athletes. Rubber with lower resistance strength will help you get the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for higher loads. Rubber with higher resistance force is designed for people who like to exercise at 200%. TRACY fitness rubbers work in a similar way as a rubber expander or yoga belt and their use is really wide. You can use them both for stretching before or after training, for strengthening, pilates, aerobics or rehabilitation.Rubbers are recommended by personal trainersTRACY is an eraser that allows you to train anywhere – in the gym, at home or outdoors. Training rubbers are recommended by personal trainers, because thanks to them you can diversify your training and target a certain muscle group. TRACY is great for fitness, rehabilitation, orthopedics, sports medicine, neurology, geriatrics and pediatrics. Spokey Tracy rubbers in the shape of a closed-circuit rectangle are great for complex fitness training.TRACY rubbers are made in 3 sizes and colors:- size S – green – light- size M – purple – medium- size L – blue – heavyParameters:Material: Polyester + Latexsize LResistance: Heavy (35-55 kg)size: 42 x 8 cmweight 140 g
  • Spokey LUZON Panoramic snorkel set mask+snorkel
    Panoramic Snorkeling Set - Mask + Spokey LUZON SnorkelSnorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. Snorkeling sets have been created specifically for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with a dipped face in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Exceptional visibility with panoramic maskThe Spokey LUZON snorkeling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee safety under water and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape and cheekpiece with strap are made of silicone that adapts easily and well to your face. Large tempered glass increases the perspective and width of the view under water.Even better adhesion to the face thanks to siliconeSpokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water does not get inside during diving and the use of the mask is really safe!Snorkel allows comfortable breathing under waterThe Spokey LUZON snorkelling snorkelling snorkel is the best choice: it is made so that water does not get inside. This snorkel is an ideal choice for both beginners and advanced snorkelling enthusiasts. Designed for comfortable and easy breathing while snorkeling. The snorkel is made of the finest materials to ensure long and satisfactory use.Elastic clasp makes it easy to attach the snorkel to the maskThe bottom valve and anti-wave end prevent water from entering the snorkel during snorkeling.The bright panoramic mask ensures that the light gets inside, which further improves visibility under water!For complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first attach the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with a controllable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in such prepared water for several hours. This will make the silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkelingParameters:mask:Glass: Tempered TGFrame: PCcheekpiece: SiliconeStrap: Silicone, length controlpanoramic mask – increased underwater visibilitysnorkel:Mouthpiece: SiliconeTube: PVCElastic clutch clip makes it easy to attach the snorkel to the maskbottom valve and anti-wave end cap
  • Spokey STRAPY 1 Children's cycling helmet 44-48 cm
    Children's cycling helmet Spokey STRAPY 1:- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well - it is ultra-light, weighs only 200 g, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- has 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride- Allows optimal adjustment of the child's head circumference thanks to the Head Lock control systemHelmets are not just an attribute of professionals, ambitious sports enthusiasts, or those who drive tens of kilometers a day. Regardless of our experience with roller skates, bicycles, scooters or skateboards, we are all exposed to possible falls and injuries. That's why we should always use a helmet, especially for children who are just about to take the first step in the world of skating. The Spokey STRAPY 1 children's helmet provides complete head protection, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The helmet with its weight of 200 g does not represent any unnecessary burden!Safety on roller skates, skateboard, bike or scooterThe first steps on roller skates, skateboards, scooters or bicycles are associated with unsuccessful attempts and falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, be sure to use appropriate protection. Spokey STRAPY 1 is designed for the youngest, is CE certified and complies with EN 1078, which means that it has passed all the necessary safety tests. It provides excellent head protection, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The safety clip allows you to easily turn on and off the helmet, without the need to tighten the strap. What's more, the Spokey STRAPY 1 children's helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system, which allows you to optimally adjust the helmet to the circumference of the child's head.Ultra-light helmet with ventilationA children's helmet is a mandatory equipment for every skating lover – it ensures safety and protects the head from injuries. The ultra-light Spokey STRAPY 1 helmet with Head Lock control system has ventilation that increases comfort of use – it is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against unwanted insect ingress under the helmet. The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by riding on uneven surfaces . This is why the STRAPY 1 helmet is the best choice for the first steps in the world of sports.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock 44-48 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backOuter surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSquick fastening under the neckNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200+/-10 gCertificate: CE EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Roleri Spokey MIRRA
    Roleri MIRRA brenda Spokey.<br /><br />- savršeno prijanjaju uz stopalo<br />- visokokvalitetni poliuretanski (PU) točkovi, koji imaju tvrdoću od 82A<br />- ABEC7 karbonski ležajevi, koji vam omogućavaju da postignete velike brzine uz održavanje dugog veka trajanja klizaljki<br />- kompozitna šasija i prednja TPU kočnica<br />- klasični stil, pastelne boje<br />- sa vezicama<br /><br />Pre kupovine pažljivo proverite dužinu uloška u cm.<br />Veličina / dužina umetka u cm: 36: 23,2 cm 37: 23,9 cm 38: 24,5 cm 39: 25,3 cm 40: 26,0 cm<br />Maks. težina korisnika: 100 kg
  • Spokey PIACENZA Women's cycling gloves, veľ. L
    Women's cycling gloves Spokey PIACENZA:- perfectly adapts to the individual anatomy of the palm,- ensure a comfortable grip on the handlebars and prevent unpleasant abrasions and bruises,- absorb shocks, wick away moisture and are very breathable,- are non-slip,- The thumb is made of terry material, and is designed to wipe sweat. Its special cut prevents the appearance of abrasions,- have special loops between the fingers for easier removal of gloves.If you value safe and comfortable cycling, you must not forget about cycling gloves. Thanks to them, you can prevent many unpleasant bruises and abrasions, and at the same time you will have better control over the steering. Especially with women's cycling gloves Spokey PIACENZA! This model is made of durable, multi-part synthetic leather that maximizes ride comfort.Gloves made just for youWomen's cycling glove Spokey PIACENZA is a combination of comfort and elegance. Their shape and functionality significantly increase the comfort of riding a bike or scooter. The inner layer has special inserts that improve grip and holes that allow optimal air circulation. Air circulation is also aided by the upper elastic material, which wicks moisture away well, and the mesh parts ensure optimal breathability and comfort while driving. Thanks to this, PIACENZA gloves perfectly adapt to the individual anatomy of the palm.Specialized cycling glovesWomen's cycling gloves Spokey PIACENZA have a special adjustable Velcro strap, thanks to which you can decorate the gloves exactly according to your needs. Between the fingers there are special loops that make it easy to remove the gloves. The thumb is made of terry material that absorbs moisture well and is great for wiping sweat. At the same time, it has a special cut that prevents pressure on the skin and thus prevents unwanted abrasions.Reflective elements and dampingGood visibility when driving after dusk in poorly lit places and on roads is extremely important. That's why we focused on making women's cycling gloves Spokey PIACENZA have reflective elements. With them you will be visible to all road users! What's more, when riding on uneven surfaces, special gel pads take care of your comfort, absorbing vibrations and ensuring a comfortable grip on the handlebars. What's more, the bottom of the glove is equipped with a unique anti-slip silicone print that will put you in full control of the bike!Pay attention to comfort and safetyExceptional functionality, unique colors and modern solutions make the Spokey PIACENZA women's cycling gloves universal gloves suitable for both bicycle and scooter. They form the perfect set with the Spokey FEMME cycling helmet of the same color. Remember that a bicycle helmet is very important during riding - it protects your head from possible injuries. Plus, the helmet and gloves go together perfectly!Parameters:Material: 60% nylon, 30% polyurethane, 10% elastanewell padded palm, foam-reinforced to adapt to the individual anatomy of the handdurable, multi-part synthetic leather on the palmUpper elastic lycra material wicks moisture well and mesh parts ensure optimal breathability and comfortspecial thumb cut prevents abrasions on the skinHigh-quality gel padding absorbs shocks during drivingSilicone print with anti-slip function ensures safe drivingthe thumb is made of terry material that allows you to wipe the sweatloops on the fingers for easier removal of glovesReflective print for better visibilityVelcro closureAvailable in sizes: S, M, L
  • Spokey FISHI Semicircular yoga
    Spokey FISHI Yoga Semicircle:- great support during yoga, pilates, stretching or coordination and balance exercises- has a shape that facilitates stretching by increasing the flexibility of the body, and maintaining the desired position- requires the user to balance the body correctly, which contributes to greater involvement of the muscles responsible for stabilizing the figure- has a structure with protrusions that relax tense muscles and soothe painThe Spokey FISHI semicircle is the best helper at the beginning of your yoga adventure, helping to maintain the correct position, especially if more flexibility is required than you currently have. It allows even fuller use of the possibilities offered by yoga exercises and increases the comfort of exercise. What's more, the FISHI semicircle can also be used to diversify home training during coordination exercises.More than just a semicircle for yogaSpokey FISHI has a special structure that requires the user to properly balance the body, which contributes to greater involvement of the muscles responsible for stabilizing the figure. During training, it is necessary to maintain the right balance, which strengthens not only specific muscle groups, but also agility and coordination. And that is why the Spokey FISHI semicircle is a very versatile product, used during yoga, pilates, stretching or coordination exercises.Your support in practicing yoga, pilates or stretchingUsing the Spokey FISHI semicircle during exercise increases physical fitness, flexibility, range of motion and control over your own body. Exercises performed with it increase the range of motion and flexibility of the muscles. Spokey FISHI is a semicircle that can also be used to relieve tension in the arms or to relax the chest or loins . By using a semicircle during exercise , you will strengthen the muscles and improve the overall physical condition. The FISHI semicircle is especially recommended for people who have a sedentary job, since exercises with a semicircle perfectly relax the spine.Parameters:Material: ABS+EVAsize: 38 x 12,7 x 18 cmmaximum user weight: 150 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey JUMP Skladacia silikónová fľaša, 0,55 l
    Tourist bottle Spokey JUMP:- This is a folding water bottle that is easy to carry and store,- made of high-quality, non-toxic odorless silicone, which is suitable for both hot and cold drinks,- Has a wide neck with sealing screw lid for easy filling and cleaning,- it has a metal carabiner, thanks to which you can always have it at hand - you can hang a water bottle on your backpack, for example,- It is very light, which makes it great for family trips, walks, camping and various sports activities.You no longer have to buy drinks in plastic bottles when you have a modern folding silicone bottle Spokey JUMP at your disposal. Contribute to the protection of the environment and choose a great solution for any situation. You can take the specially designed folding bottle with you to work, school, training or a trip to nature. Thanks to the possibility of composition and layout, you can fill the bottle arbitrarily - the maximum volume of the bottle in the unfolded state is 550 ml! And when the bottle is empty, you will save a lot of space. Just fold the bottle and put it in a bag or backpack.Folding silicone bottleThe super modern hiking water bottle is made of mechanically resistant and 100% safe, non-toxic silicone. It is suitable for both hot and cold drinks. You do not have to worry about washing - the wide neck makes it easy to clean the folding bottle and ensures comfort during filling. In addition, the bottle has a well-sealing screw lid and a metal carabiner, thanks to which you can easily and quickly attach the bottle to your backpack.Take care of yourself and the environmentSpokey JUMP is a specially designed folding water bottle for everyday use. An indispensable companion of any trip is the best choice for those who care not only about their comfort but also about the environment. The use of a reusable bottle limits the use of single-use plastic drinking bottles. Be ECO!Lightweight, safe and eco-friendlyFolding silicone water bottle Spokey JUMP does not flow and does not absorb odors. You can take it literally anywhere with you - on a trip, on a hike or on a training. With a maximum volume of 0.55 l, it fits into any backpack, does not take up much space and at the same time gives you the opportunity to take a large amount of water with you wherever you need. The Spokey JUMP bottle is very light - it weighs only 206 g! It's a great gift idea for your kids, friends or family.Parameters:- Material: Silicone- Weight: 206g- volume: 550 ml- Height after unfolding: 25cm- the bottle also includes a metal carabinerThe product has been tested in the laboratory for safety during food contactInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey LYCRAS JR GIRL Swimming cap pink
    Textile swimming cap Spokey LYCRAS JR:- made of spandex, thanks to which it is easy to put on and take off and does not pull hair,- protects the hair from chlorinated water,- it is flexible and does not squeeze the head.Regular swimming is one of the ways to lose excess kilograms, strengthen the whole body, improve your physical condition and most importantly, it's great fun! Swimming is also ideal for those who struggle with posture defects, or as a form of rehabilitation after an injury. It is one of the best physical activities for children. An essential part of the equipment of every swimmer is, in addition to the swimsuit, a swimming cap that protects the hair from soaking in water, and at the same time protects it from the harmful effects of chlorine. And in addition, it allows you to preserve the aerodynamic silhouette of the swimmer, which is extremely important during fast swimming.Built with children in mindTextile swimming cap Spokey LYCRAS JR is made of spandex, which guarantees easy putting on and removing the cap without unpleasant "pulling" hair. The cap is soft and elastic, due to which it does not squeeze the head. After use, it is enough just to rinse it under running water and dry it. Thanks to this, you will keep the cap in good condition for a long time!Parameters:Material: Spandexrecommended for children aged 4-10 years
  • Spokey SERPENTE Detský cestovný vankúšik v tvare plameniaka s držiakom na telefón
    The Spokey SEREPENTE children's travel cushion is great for long journeys, but it can also be used when relaxing at home or in the garden.The ergonomic shape of the SEREPENTE cushion is well suited for travel and relaxation. Provides optimal head and neck support.Parameters:Outer material: 100% polyester plushFilling: 100% polystyrene ballsdimensions: 30 x 80 cmweight: 450 gIn accordance with the standard: EN 71-1, 71-2, 71-3Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey CUDDLY 2in1 Children's travel vankúšik and plush toy in one, hippo
    Children's travel pillow Spokey CUDDLY:- this is 2in1 - a comfortable travel pillow that can be turned into a cute plush toy,- it will prove itself well during travel and rest, as it provides optimal support for the child's head and neck,- it is made of very pleasant to the touch, soft and warm plush,- it is filled with polystyrene balls, thanks to which there is no need to inflate it.The 2-in-1 Spokey CUDDLY Baby Pillow is the perfect travel companion for the youngest travelers during long trips by car, bus, plane, but on various trips, picnics, camping or moments of relaxation! And in addition, if you do not plan any long trip, you can easily and quickly turn the pillow into a plush dinosaur.Comfort on the goThe Spokey CUDDLY 2in1 travel cushion was made with the smallest travelers in mind. Thanks to the beautiful design and bright colors, children will not want to say goodbye to it! It will work great both during long travels and during rest at home or in the garden - the ergonomic shape of the pillow provides optimal support for the neck and head. The pillow and plush toy in one Spokey CUDDLY is made of 100% very pleasant to the touch, soft and warm plush filled with polystyrene balls. Thanks to this filler, there is no need to inflate the pillow.Pillow and plush toy in one!The Spokey CUDDLY pillow is the best solution not only for trips with children, but also during fun at home. In many situations, it turns out to be irreplaceable - not only when resting, traveling by car or plane. And all because it is a unique travel pillow that is also a plush toy! In just a few seconds, the travel cushion turns into a plush dinosaur. It's a gift that the little ones dream of! Bright colors and the unique shape of the plush toy will attract the attention of every child.Safety for the little onesCUDDLY is a functional travel cushion that supports the neck and head of a child during unpleasant vibrations and shocks that can occur when driving a car or bus on uneven surfaces, or during turbulence when traveling by air. With it, you can be sure of your child's safe and carefree sleep while traveling.Parameters:Outer material: 100% polyester plushFilling: 100% polystyrene ballsdimensions: 30 x 30 cmweight: 190 gIn accordance with the standard: EN 71-1, 71-2, 71-3Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 24 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey POWER II resistance rubber grey resistance 25-40 kg
    Fitness rubbers- Tri stupne napätia: weak, medium, strong- Intense farby: green, yellow, redDimensions: 120 x 15- in one package sú 3 pcsBalenie: 24 pcs
  • Spokey FREESPO KIDS Children's coliesky korčule, khaki, veľ. 35-38
    Please note: Please pay attention when choosing a size according to the size chart below. Please check the length of the insole in cm thoroughly before buying. Adjustable roller skates Spokey FREESPO KIDS:- have a hard shell that eliminates beginner mistakes and prevents ankles from falling through- these are universal skates – suitable for riding lessons as well as for fast, dynamic, freestyle and recreational riding- thanks to the possibility of size control, they grow together with children - it is also an ideal solution for those who have a size "at the interface"- Are equipped with a quality chassis made of anodized aluminum, which increases its resistance to weather conditions, mechanical damage and corrosionFREESPO KIDS are roller skates made especially for kids. They are the best choice for both skating lessons and improving your own skills. All thanks to the used hard shell made of PP (highly flexible polypropylene), fastening on two buckles (top and bottom) and laces. Such a design of the shoe allows precise maneuvering and turning while riding, while reducing the risk of injury, as it tightly wraps around the foot and prevents foot movements! What's more, it eliminates beginner mistakes and prevents ankle drops.Adjustable roller skates that grow with childrenThe controllable Spokey FREESPO KIDS roller skates are the ideal solution for both children who are still growing up and those who have a size "at the limit." Thanks to the size control option, you do not have to worry that the skates will be small for your children after the season – the size of the skates can be easily adapted to the size of the child's foot, and you will not have to buy new skates every few months. What's more, the skates have a removable liner (inner shoe), which is specially reinforced on the toes and perfectly adapts to the foot.Great handling and stability while drivingFREESPO KIDS are roller skates that every little skating lover will appreciate. Great will prove both during recreational riding lessons and during slalom or freestyle rides through the city or in the skatepark. And all thanks to the fact that it is a model that has a low-set boot and a relatively short chassis, which allows easier maneuvering. The hard shell (shell) prevents the movement of the foot while riding. Another very important element of the FREESPO KIDS roller skates is the durable and at the same time very light aluminum chassis. In addition, the aluminum used is anodized, which means that a dying protective layer has been added to the aluminum, which makes the chassis colorful, and even more resistant to mechanical damage and corrosion.Safe driving full of passionFor children who are taking their first steps in the world of skating, the most important thing is to choose skates that will be practical, ideally adapt to their foot, and most importantly, will be comfortable. FREESPO KIDS roller skates are a combination of these features – the best technical parameters and riding comfort. They are equipped with polyurethane wheels with optimal hardness for both recreational, dynamic or freestyle riding (85A), as well as fast and durable ABEC7 carbon bearings. For easier balance and better control of the skates when riding, we have used different wheel sizes in the FREESPO KIDS children's roller skates depending on the selected size.size / length of insert in cm27-30: 16.5 - 20.5 cm31-34: 20.5 - 22.5 cm35-38: 22.5 - 24.5 cmParameters:adjustableChassis: Anodized Aluminummaterial:external: PP (hard shell)Inside: Comfortable mesh + foam + velvetbearings: ABEC7 Carbonwheels: 85A PUwheel size:68 x 24 mm - vel. 27-3070 x 24 mm - vel. 31-3472 x 24 mm - vel. 35-38 lowered center of gravity - greater stability and control of skates, easier maneuveringfastening: two-piece buckle, lacesmaximum user weight: 60 kgstandard EN 13843Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 6 pairs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pair
  • Spokey LYCRAS JR BOY Swimming cap blue
    Textile swimming cap Spokey LYCRAS JR:- made of spandex, thanks to which it is easy to put on and take off and does not pull hair,- protects the hair from chlorinated water,- it is flexible and does not squeeze the head.Regular swimming is one of the ways to lose excess kilograms, strengthen the whole body, improve your physical condition and most importantly, it's great fun! Swimming is also ideal for those who struggle with posture defects, or as a form of rehabilitation after an injury. It is one of the best physical activities for children. An essential part of the equipment of every swimmer is, in addition to the swimsuit, a swimming cap that protects the hair from soaking in water, and at the same time protects it from the harmful effects of chlorine. And in addition, it allows you to preserve the aerodynamic silhouette of the swimmer, which is extremely important during fast swimming.Built with children in mindTextile swimming cap Spokey LYCRAS JR is made of spandex, which guarantees easy putting on and removing the cap without unpleasant "pulling" hair. The cap is soft and elastic, due to which it does not squeeze the head. After use, it is enough just to rinse it under running water and dry it. Thanks to this, you will keep the cap in good condition for a long time!Parameters:Material: Spandexrecommended for children aged 4-10 years
  • Spokey FLEXMAT V Pad for exercises čierna 0,6 cm
    Exercise mat Spokey FLEXMAT V:- Made of neoprene with a thickness of 0.6 mm, which makes it very resistant to damage- helps to increase the level of each workout – its non-slip surface ensures stability during exercise- thanks to the handle for easier carrying, you can take it with you to the gym or to a yoga class!An essential part of your trainingThe Spokey FLEXMAT V was created to ensure maximum comfort during exercise. The use of neoprene with a thickness of 0.6 cm significantly increases its quality. It ensures safety and, most importantly, prevents sliding on the surface. Its unique structure, made of a single piece of neoprene, ensures a very long service life of the pad and at the same time prevents its deformation, thanks to which it maintains its perfect appearance even during long-term use.Quality, comfort and.... maximum comfortThe Spokey FELXMAT V neoprene exercise mat is an indispensable part of the equipment of anyone who plans to exercise at home or in the gym. It is equipped with a handle that will make it easier for you to transport it to the gym or to a yoga class! It's great for stretching, fitness, or physiotherapy workouts, as well as for all asanas – no matter what level of yoga you're practicing.A mat for everyone!The most important features of spokey FLEXMAT V are its excellent anti-slip properties – you will feel safe and confident during your workout! Its classic design fits into any interior. Using it will help you take a safe position and give you stability and balance.Parameters:Material: Soft, moisture-free neopreneedges and edges reinforced with embroidered tapedimensions: 180 x 60 cmthickness: 6 mmPractical straps for easier transportanti-slip surfaceweight: 750 g
  • Spokey FILUM Pingpong
    Product description- nylon sieťka for table tennis with clip- možnosť optimálneho nastavenia napnutia sieťky- sieťka sa fixuje simple systémom pomocou klipsou- Size: standardBalenie: blisterBalenie: 20 pcs/ carton
  • Spokey LYCRAS Swimming čiapka čierna
    Material: material: polyamide 80%, elastane 20%. Chráni a spevňuje vlasovú časť, prepúšťa voda.
  • Spokey JELLYFISH Children's swimming okuliare, pink-yellow
    Glass polycarbonate- silicone, glued seals and double tapes- adjustable plastic clips- adjustable beam- UV filter- Anti-Fog surface (protection against sting)Balnia: 144pcs/carton
  • Spokey EMOJI Junior Swimming Chip, blue
    Parameters:- Material: Silicone- Increased chlorine resistance- Graphics: emoticons
  • Spokey TROUT Fins size XXL (45/46)
    Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. Fins, masks and snorkels have been created specifically for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with your face immersed in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Light and compact recreational finsSpokey TROUT fins are made of the highest quality materials resistant to mechanical damage. They have a special rubber shoe made of TPR, which covers the heel and is put on the bare foot. They are very light and have an ergonomic shape, thanks to which they adapt perfectly to any foot. They excel in comfortable putting on and off. Additional holes in the fin stabilize the foot and reduce pressure during swimming.  The materials used will guarantee that the purchase of Spokey TROUT fins will not be just for one season.Perfect grip on the footDue to the use of additional rubber elements , the fins are very flexible. Their design increases the momentum during diving, the shoe optimally adheres to the foot and gives great freedom of movement. The low weight of the fins makes snorkeling even better!Parameters:Boot: TPR elastic rubberadditional holes for stabilization during swimming and pressure reductionPackaging: mesh bag + polyesterSize: XXL (45/46)
  • Spokey GRESPI DUO Massage Bars 65 and 90 mm, 4 pcs
    Spokey GRESPI DUO massage balls:- have protrusions that relieve muscle tension during a point massage and support skin regeneration- They are four small balls that fit in any handbag or backpack, so you can always have them at hand- They are made of durable and waterproof material, which makes them easy to keep cleanThe Spokey GRESPI DUO massage ball set is designed to stimulate blood circulation, fight cellulite and is also used during anti-stress exercises. They will help you relieve muscle tension and promote skin regeneration. They are so small that they can easily fit into any handbag or backpack, so you can always have them with you. Massage with the use of GRESPI DUO massage balls is based on point pressure and massaging in places that cause pain. Such a massage immediately relieves muscle tension and relieves pain. Four massage balls that you can always have at handThe GRESPI DUO set consists of 4 massage balls (2 balls with a diameter of 6.5 cm and 2 balls with a diameter of 9 cm) with different degrees of hardness, which gives you the opportunity to choose the ball according to the type of pain or muscle tension in the part of the body that requires massage. The balls can also be used during training to strengthen the abdomen, feet, legs, neck, shoulders or hands. Thanks to their structure, you can also enjoy a gentle or intense massage during exercise. GRESPI DUO balls are also suitable for anti-stress exercises.Relief for any part of the bodyGRESPI DUO massage balls are made of durable and waterproof PVC material, which makes them easy to keep clean. You can use the balls during or after a workout for faster regeneration of the massaged muscles, which can completely change your workout – the muscles will relax and the workout will become enjoyable.Parameters:Material: PVCDimensions: 2x 6.5 cm; 2x 9 cmSet includes: 4 pcs 
  • Spokey ATLAN Fitness kits 2 pcs
    Spokey ATLAN Booster Kit:- Made of durable materials. Strength training works on the basis of spring resistance and thus guarantees the natural resistance of the exercise- They are designed for strengthening pre-lengths, wrists or squeezing forces, or you can also use them as an anti-stress aid- They have a non-slip surface that absorbs sweat at the same time, thanks to which the grip is comfortable and stable- The set includes two keys that allow you to strengthen both hands at the same timeSpokey ATLAN workout tools are designed by teams who plan to create or improve their home gym and for those who plan to exercise regularly. For health, muscle strengthening or improving fitness - any reason is good to start exercising with our equipment!Effects of Exercise with Strengthening KeysComplex training should include all parts of the body. With the ATLAN model, you can exercise or strengthen frequently used muscles of the pre-dactium, wrists or the strength of compression. Or you can use it as an anti-stress aid. The Altan finish is made of durable materials. Strength training works on the basis of spring resistance and thus guarantees the natural resistance of the exercise. Súprava obsahuje dvoje kliešte, ktoré umožňujú posilňovať obe ruky súčasne.Parameters:Material: Stainless steel + foamDimensions: 22 x 15.5 cmHandle: foam, egonomically shapedPackage: 2 pcs
  • Spokey GRESPI Massage lopper set, 6.5 cm
    Massage locomotives Spokey GRESPI:- They have protrusions that relieve muscle tension during a spot massage and support skin regeneration- The set includes four small pencils that fit into every handbag or backpack, thanks to which you can always have them at hand- Each elbow has a different level of hardness, which gives you the opportunity to choose the ball according to the type of pain or muscle tension in the given part of the body that requires massage- They are made of durable and waterproof material, thanks to which they are easy to keep cleanThe Spokey GRESPI massage lop set is designed to stimulate blood circulation, fight cellulite and is also used during anti-stress exercises. I will help you relieve muscle tension and support skin regeneration. They are so small that they fit into any handbag or backpack without any problems, thanks to what you can always have with you. Massage with the use of GRESPI massage buttons is based on point pressure and massage in places that cause pain. Such a massage immediately relieves muscle tension and relieves pain.Four massage massages that you can always have at your fingertipsThe GRESPI treatment consists of 4 massage spoons with a diameter of 6.5 cm with different degrees of hardness, which gives you the opportunity to choose the ball according to the type of pain or muscle tension in the given part of the body that requires massage. The pedals can also be used during training to strengthen the bruis, feet, legs, neck, shoulders or hands. It is also perfect for fighting cellulite or starting blood circulation. Thanks to their structure, you can also enjoy a gentle or intensive massage during your exercise. GRESPI blades are also suitable for anti-stress exercises.Úľava pre akúkoľvek časť telaGRESPI massages are made of durable and waterproof PVC material, thanks to which they are easy to keep clean. You can use the blades during a warm-up or after exercise for faster regeneration of the massaged muscles, which can completely change your training - the muscles will relax and the training will become pleasant.Set of 4 massage locomotives with protrusions and 4 hardness levels:blue - very soft (soft)dark blue - mediumGreen - HardČierná - Very Hard (Velmi Tvrdý)Parameters:Material: PVCDimensions: 4 x 6.5 cm4 hardness levels: very soft, medium, hard, very hard
  • Spokey RIBBON MEDIUM Resistance band, 200 cm
    Fitness Band Spokey RIBBON MEDIUM:- is a universal fitness aid, thanks to which you can diversify your daily training- has a rectangular shape (200 x 15 cm) and can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates, yoga or crossfit- allows you to maximize the effects of training and allows you to focus on individual muscle groups- has a medium resistance level (12 kg)If you are looking for an effective and proven way for home training, build on the Spokey RIBBON MEDIUM fitness band. It is a universal piece of equipment that allows you to perform training or strengthening exercises. Thanks to its properties and length (200 x 15 cm), the RIBBON MEDIUM will diversify your daily training. The training band works on a similar principle as an expander - it allows you to perform exercises that solder different muscle groups. You can use the RIBBON MEDIUM training band during stretching, strengthening, aerobic or fitness exercises, yoga or pilates.Maximum Effects of ExerciseThe Spokey RIBBON MEDIUM training band is recommended by professionals and personal trainers alike. The rubber is made of a very durable material that ensures its long life. Thanks to the best you can train every day and wherever you want to be - in the gym, at home or in the oven. The RIBBON MEDIUM will diversify your daily workout and allow you to adjust your training exactly to your needs so that you engage the muscle groups that matter most to you.Indispensable trainingThe Spokey RIBBON MEDIUM training rubber with a medium resistance level is suitable for both complete beginners and professional athletes. Medium rubber is a great choice for those who want to diversify their workouts and prepare their muscles for heavier loads. If you are looking for rubbers with a different level of resistance, the RIBBON rubber is also available in the following variants:- Purple (light): low resistance level (7 kg)- Green (heavy): strong resistance level (17 kg)- or you can buy a complete set of all three fitness products RIBBON SET (light, medium, heavy)Parameters:Material: Latex rubberLength: 200 cmWidth: 15 cmRidge: 0.45 mmResistance: medium - 12 kg
  • Spokey RIBBON HEAVY Resistance band, 200 cm
    Fitness Band Spokey RIBBON HEAVY:- is a universal fitness aid, thanks to which you can diversify your daily training- has a rectangular shape (200 x 15 cm) and can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates, yoga or crossfit- allows you to maximize the effects of training and allows you to focus on individual muscle groups- has a strong resistance level (17 kg), which allows you to achieve even better results during trainingIf you are looking for an effective and proven way to train at home, build on the Spokey RIBBON HEAVY fitness band. It is a universal piece of equipment that allows you to perform training or strengthening exercises. Thanks to its features and length (200 x 15 cm), the RIBBON HEAVY rubber will diversify your daily training. The training band works on a similar principle as an expander - it allows you to perform exercises that solder different muscle groups. You can use the RIBBON HEAVY training band during stretching, strengthening, aerobic or fitness exercises, yoga or pilates.Maximum Effects of ExerciseThe Spokey RIBBON HEAVY training band is recommended by professionals and personal trainers alike. The rubber is made of a very durable material that ensures its long life. Thanks to the best you can train every day and wherever you want to be - in the gym, at home or in the oven. The RIBBON HEAVY band will diversify your daily workout and allow you to adjust your training exactly according to your needs so that you engage the muscle groups that matter most to you.Indispensable trainingThe Spokey RIBBON HEAVY training band with a strong resistance level is designed for a team that likes to train at 200%. Umožní you will be able to get better results. If you are looking for a fitness band with a different level of resistance, the RIBBON range of fitness bands also offers the following variants:- Purple (light): medium resistance level (7 kg)- Medium: medium resistance level (12 kg)- Or you can buy a complete set of all three fitness products RIBBON SET (light, medium, heavy)Parameters:Material: Latex rubberLength: 200 cmWidth: 15 cmRidge: 0.55 mmResistance: Heavy - 17 kg
  • Spokey CANDY ROPE Bearing skipping rope, blue
    Spokey CANDY ROPE skipping rope:- designed for training, which activates the muscles of the whole body and speeds up the metabolism, which brings immediate results- it has anti-slip handles that fit perfectly in your hand, are easier to hold and won't get out of your hand during training- Allows you to adjust the length of the cable according to the user's heightThe bearing skipping rope is an excellent helper for fitness exercises. This simple but extremely effective tool strengthens the muscles of the intestines and at the same time develops and strengthens the activity of internal organs, circulatory, respiratory and thermoregulatory systems. It encourages the user to maintain a regular rhythm of breathing and significantly contributes to the improvement of key mobility.The cable is attached to the bearing located in the inside of the handle and ensures perfectly smooth movement during jumps.Parameters:Material: PVCCable length: 300 cm, adjustableWire diameter: 5 mmHandle length: 13 cmBearings for fast and smooth swingInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packed: 20 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey ARTIO SET Set of 5 booster gooms + cover, pastel colours
    Fitness set Spokey ARTIO SET in pastel colours:- These are 5 universal and versatile training goom with closed circuits and different resistance strengths- Can be used for exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates, yoga or crossfit- They are made of very strong latex, thanks to which they do not deform and withstand extremely strong stretching- Thanks to them, you will enrich your training and engage the muscles that matter to youAn important factor for building the form is the exercise and the use of small fitness equipment, which also includes fitness bands. Thanks to them, you will enrich your training and engage the muscles that matter to you! Bands work in a similar way to a rubber expander - they allow you to perform stretching or lateral movements, and thanks to their properties and length, you can include new exercises in your training, which are countless in number. In the Spokey ARTIO you will find 5 grams with different resistance strengths, thanks to which you can adjust the intensity of training to your own needs and you will be able to face increasingly difficult challenges.Up to five different resistance levelsAre you looking for equipment that will help you achieve your dreamed figure? Spokey ARTIO bands with closed circuits are ideal for exercising the whole body. You can use them to exercise your arms, thighs, legs or buttocks. Regardless of your current physical condition, you can choose the rubber that suits you best. The rubbers have 5 different levels of resistance:- X-light: 3.7 kg- Light: 5.7 kg- Medium: 7.3 kg- Heavy: 10.1 kg- X-heavy: 16.3 kgBands with a lower resistance force will help you get the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for higher loads. Bands with a higher resistance force are designed by teams who like to train at 200%.Practice alongside yourself with a complete set of resistance gemsWith one complete set of resistance weapons, you can perform a variety of exercises. They are versatile and versatile rubbers with a closed circumference, which are elastic and at the same time very durable. They are made of latex, thanks to which they do not deform and withstand very strong stretching. They offer so-called progressive resistance, which means that the more you pull them during training, the stronger the resistance of the team. Great is suitable for pre-workout or post-workout workouts, as well as for weight training, pilates, aerobics, crossfit or rehabilitation.Parameters:Material: Latex rubberThe set contains 5 fitness goomIncludes: Practical packagingDimensions:X-light: 600 x 50 x 0.35 mmLight: 600 x 50 x 0.5 mmMedium: 600 x 50 x 0.7 mmHeavy: 600 x 50 x 0.9 mmX-heavy: 600 x 50 x 1.1 mmabhorrence:X-light: 3.7 kgLight: 5.7 kgMedium: 7.3 kgHeavy: 10.1 kgX-Heavy: 16.3 kgInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Package: 100 sets/cartonMožné predaj po 1 ssada
  • Spokey CANDY ROPE Bearing skipping rope, green
    Spokey CANDY ROPE skipping rope:- designed for training, which activates the muscles of the whole body and speeds up the metabolism, which brings immediate results- it has anti-slip handles that fit perfectly in your hand, are easier to hold and won't get out of your hand during training- Allows you to adjust the length of the cable according to the user's heightThe bearing skipping rope is an excellent helper for fitness exercises. This simple but extremely effective tool strengthens the muscles of the intestines and at the same time develops and strengthens the activity of internal organs, circulatory, respiratory and thermoregulatory systems. It encourages the user to maintain a regular rhythm of breathing and significantly contributes to the improvement of key mobility.The cable is attached to the bearing located in the inside of the handle and ensures perfectly smooth movement during jumps.Parameters:Material: PVCCable length: 300 cm, adjustableWire diameter: 5 mmHandle length: 13 cmBearings for fast and smooth swingInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packed: 20 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey HALF FIT 2in1 Massage Gymnastic Lopta, 75 cm, Blue
    Spokey HALF FIT 2in1 Gymnastic Lopa Massage, 75 cm:- perfect replacement for a classic stool - sitting on a gymnastic shovel requires correct posture- has an Anti-Burst system, thanks to which in the event of puncture or overpressure of the blade, there is a slow release of air- It can also be used during exercises stimulating blood circulation – one half of the locomotive has a smooth surface and the other half has massage protrusions- Uses the back during a long day in the office or at home in front of the computer- The package contains a practical pump that allows you to quickly and comfortably inflate the locomotiveThe Spokey HALF FIT 2-in-1 Gymnastic Massage is made of non-staining material. This is also helped by circumferential stripes on one half of the elbow and massage protrusions on the other half. The main role of massage protrusions is to stimulate blood circulation and massage the body, which leads to faster muscle regeneration! The Anti-Burst system is used in the 2-in-1 Spokey HALF FIT Massage Gymnastic Lopset, which ensures slow and gradual release of the locomotive in the event of a puncture. To je veľmi dôležité pre bezpečnosť používateľa, ktorý tak získa čas na reakciu (zosadnutie z lopty).Exercise, rest and stimulate blood circulation with the gymnastic shovelSpokey HALF FIT is a ball that provides excellent support during a variety of exercises. It is also a great substitute for a classic stool in the office or at home - sitting on a shovel requires proper posture. The HALF FIT gymnastic ball also develops balance. It can be used not only during exercise or rehabilitation, but also as a stool, which is used by the back during long hours spent in the office or at home in front of the computer. The part of the ball with massage protrusions stimulates blood circulation even during small movements.Supplied with a practical pumpUsing a gymnastic ball during training is a great way to diversify your daily workouts. One half of the HALF FIT gymnastic ball has a smooth surface and the other has massage protrusions. This combination allows you to use the ball both during training and during exercises that stimulate blood circulation. Zdanlivo jednoduché cvičenia privezajú skvelé výsledky. I will help you shape your body, develop healthy habits and keep you in good physical condition. With the shovel, it is possible to safely perform exercises in which there is limited contact with the ground (e.g. in support lying down). In addition to the shovel itself, the package also contains a practical pump, with which you can quickly and comfortably inflate the shovel.Simple and effective training for everyoneThe 2-in-1 Spokey HALF FIT Massage Gymnastics Ball allows you to perform exercises that are ideal for everyone - simple for beginners, low intensity for seniors and rehabilitation after various types of injuries. Training with a gymnastic shovel does not put any strain on the keys, improves balance and strengthens the muscles. At the same time, it is also great for meditation or toning. Čo viac si priať? Everything you need is a little free space to start practicing at home.How to choose the right size of the gymnastic ball?The HALF FIT model is made in three diameters: 55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm. To maximize the effect of the exercise, choose the size of the shoe according to your height:- Priemer lopty 55 cm - body height 150-165 cm- Priemer lopty 65 cm - body height 160-175 cm- Priemer Lopty 75 cm - Body height 175-190 cmShave between the thighs and upper body, and shave between the thighs and calves should be 90 degrees with your feet loosely placed on the ground. Such a correctly selected size of the loľta is ideal for sitting on the loket.Parameters:Material: PVC, anti-slipHigh QualityLong service life of the locomotiveDiameter: 75 cmAnti-Burst systemequipped with massage protrusions for body massage and stimulation of blood circulationMaximum user weight: 120 kgIn the set: pumpInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey FITBALL Gymnastic shovel, 55 cm, green
    Gymnastic Shovel Spokey FITBALL, 55 cm:- The package contains a practical pump that will help you quickly and easily inflate the locomotive- allows you to perform exercises that have a positive effect on body shaping, physical fitness and help burn body fat- It is a perfect substitute for a stool, because sitting on the lop requires correct postureThe gymnastic ball is a great choice for home exercises. Thanks to it, you can diversify your training and engage almost all your muscles in your work. Spokey FITBALL is a ball that provides excellent support for universal development activities. It can also replace a stool at home or in the office – sitting on a shoulder requires proper posture.Two-in-one – exercise and relax with a gymnastic ballUsing a gymnastic ball is a great way to diversify your home training. Zdanlivo lľahko vyzerajúce pracenia pribrajú skvelé výsledky. I will help you shape your body, create healthy habits and keep yourself in good physical condition. The Spokey FITBALL also develops balance and encourages you to maintain the correct posture. Therefore, it can also be used as a rehabilitation aid or a stool, which helps the back during long hours spent in the office or at home in front of the computer.Simple and effective training for everyoneThe Spokey FITBALL gymnastic ball allows you to perform exercises that are simple and suitable for beginners, with low intensity for seniors and ideally during rehabilitation. Training with the use of a gymnastic ball does not put weight on the cages, improves balance and strengthens the muscles. It is also ideal for meditation or toning exercises. Čo viac si priať? Everything you need is a bit of a free place at home, so you can start practicing.The package includes a practical pumpThe Spokey FITBALL gymnastic toy is made of a material that prevents clinkage. This effect is enhanced by the tapes, which are led around the entire circumference of the shovel. Thanks to this, you can safely perform exercises that involve limited contact with the ground (e.g. help on the hands). The FITBALL model uses the Anti-Burst system, which slowly releases the air in the event of puncture or overpressure of the shovel. To je nesmierne dôležité pre bezpečnosť – používateľ tak získa dostatok času na reakciu (zosadnutie z lopty). The package also includes a practical pump with which you can easily and quickly inflate the ball.How to choose the right lot?The Spokey FITBALL gymnastic ball is made in three diameters: 55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm. To maximize the effect of the exercise, choose the size of the shoe according to your height:- Priemer lopty 55 cm - body height 150-165 cm- Priemer lopty 65 cm - body height 160-175 cm- Priemer Lopty 75 cm - Body height 175-190 cmShave between the thighs and upper body, and shave between the thighs and calves should be 90 degrees with your feet loosely placed on the ground. Such a correctly selected size of the loľta is ideal for sitting on the loket.Parameters:Material: PVC, anti-slipHigh QualityLong service life of the locomotiveDiameter: 55 cmAnti-Burst systemMaximum user weight: 120 kgIn the set: pumpInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey FITBALL Gymnastic shovel, 65 cm, green
    Gymnastic Shovel Spokey FITBALL, 65 cm:- The package contains a practical pump that will help you quickly and easily inflate the locomotive- allows you to perform exercises that have a positive effect on body shaping, physical fitness and help burn body fat- It is a perfect substitute for a stool, because sitting on the lop requires correct postureThe gymnastic ball is a great choice for home exercises. Thanks to it, you can diversify your training and engage almost all your muscles in your work. Spokey FITBALL is a ball that provides excellent support for universal development activities. It can also replace a stool at home or in the office – sitting on a shoulder requires proper posture.Two-in-one – exercise and relax with a gymnastic ballUsing a gymnastic ball is a great way to diversify your home training. Zdanlivo lľahko vyzerajúce pracenia pribrajú skvelé výsledky. I will help you shape your body, create healthy habits and keep yourself in good physical condition. The Spokey FITBALL also develops balance and encourages you to maintain the correct posture. Therefore, it can also be used as a rehabilitation aid or a stool, which helps the back during long hours spent in the office or at home in front of the computer.Simple and effective training for everyoneThe Spokey FITBALL gymnastic ball allows you to perform exercises that are simple and suitable for beginners, with low intensity for seniors and ideally during rehabilitation. Training with the use of a gymnastic ball does not put weight on the cages, improves balance and strengthens the muscles. It is also ideal for meditation or toning exercises. Čo viac si priať? Everything you need is a bit of a free place at home, so you can start practicing.The package includes a practical pumpThe Spokey FITBALL gymnastic toy is made of a material that prevents clinkage. This effect is enhanced by the tapes, which are led around the entire circumference of the shovel. Thanks to this, you can safely perform exercises that involve limited contact with the ground (e.g. help on the hands). The FITBALL model uses the Anti-Burst system, which slowly releases the air in the event of puncture or overpressure of the shovel. To je nesmierne dôležité pre bezpečnosť – používateľ tak získa dostatok času na reakciu (zosadnutie z lopty). The package also includes a practical pump with which you can easily and quickly inflate the ball.How to choose the right lot?The Spokey FITBALL gymnastic ball is made in three diameters: 55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm. To maximize the effect of the exercise, choose the size of the shoe according to your height:- Priemer lopty 55 cm - body height 150-165 cm- Priemer lopty 65 cm - body height 160-175 cm- Priemer Lopty 75 cm - Body height 175-190 cmShave between the thighs and upper body, and shave between the thighs and calves should be 90 degrees with your feet loosely placed on the ground. Such a correctly selected size of the loľta is ideal for sitting on the loket.Parameters:Material: PVC, anti-slipHigh QualityLong service life of the locomotiveDiameter: 65 cmAnti-Burst systemMaximum user weight: 120 kgIn the set: pumpInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey TAUSA Cork massage roller, 30 cm
    Spokey TAUSA cork fitness roller:- Suitable for exercise and massage- thanks to the material used - cork, the roller does not absorb moisture and stays clean for longer- is harder than standard foam rollers, thanks to which it provides more stability during exercise and massageDo you work in a seated position? Do you suffer from muscle pain? Do something for your health and build on the fitness roller. The Spokey TAUSA cork roller is an invaluable helper during exercise or massage. Exercising with a roller increases blood flow in the body, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion and reduces the risk of injury.Take care of your musclesThe Spokey TAUSA massage roller is suitable for both before and after training. It is also used to speed up muscle regeneration, which can positively affect your training - the muscles will be relaxed and training will become a pleasure for you. By using the roller, you can diversify your training, while engaging even the less used muscle groups. It is also great for strengthening the back, abdomen and legs, while at the same time providing a gentle or intensive massage.Thanks to the cork used, the Spokey TAUSA roller is not only solid, but above all pleasant to the touch. Due to its higher weight compared to standard foam rollers, the roller is more stable during exercise. It can also be used during yoga practice - it is great for asanas that require more stability.Parameters:Material: KorokSize: Ø 9.5 cmLength 30 cmTvrdosť: štandardWeight: 550 gLow water and moisture absorptionInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey HALF FIT 2in1 Massage Gymnastic Lopta, 65 cm, Blue
    Spokey HALF FIT 2in1 Gymnastic Massage Box, 65 cm:- perfect replacement for a classic stool - sitting on a gymnastic shovel requires correct posture- has an Anti-Burst system, thanks to which in the event of puncture or overpressure of the blade, there is a slow release of air- It can also be used during exercises stimulating blood circulation – one half of the locomotive has a smooth surface and the other half has massage protrusions- Uses the back during a long day in the office or at home in front of the computer- The package contains a practical pump that allows you to quickly and comfortably inflate the locomotiveThe Spokey HALF FIT 2-in-1 Gymnastic Massage is made of non-staining material. This is also helped by circumferential stripes on one half of the elbow and massage protrusions on the other half. The main role of massage protrusions is to stimulate blood circulation and massage the body, which leads to faster muscle regeneration! The Anti-Burst system is used in the 2-in-1 Spokey HALF FIT Massage Gymnastic Lopset, which ensures slow and gradual release of the locomotive in the event of a puncture. To je veľmi dôležité pre bezpečnosť používateľa, ktorý tak získa čas na reakciu (zosadnutie z lopty).Exercise, rest and stimulate blood circulation with the gymnastic shovelSpokey HALF FIT is a ball that provides excellent support during a variety of exercises. It is also a great substitute for a classic stool in the office or at home - sitting on a shovel requires proper posture. The HALF FIT gymnastic ball also develops balance. It can be used not only during exercise or rehabilitation, but also as a stool, which is used by the back during long hours spent in the office or at home in front of the computer. The part of the ball with massage protrusions stimulates blood circulation even during small movements.Supplied with a practical pumpUsing a gymnastic ball during training is a great way to diversify your daily workouts. One half of the HALF FIT gymnastic ball has a smooth surface and the other has massage protrusions. This combination allows you to use the ball both during training and during exercises that stimulate blood circulation. Zdanlivo jednoduché cvičenia privezajú skvelé výsledky. I will help you shape your body, develop healthy habits and keep you in good physical condition. With the shovel, it is possible to safely perform exercises in which there is limited contact with the ground (e.g. in support lying down). In addition to the shovel itself, the package also contains a practical pump, with which you can quickly and comfortably inflate the shovel.Simple and effective training for everyoneThe 2-in-1 Spokey HALF FIT Massage Gymnastics Ball allows you to perform exercises that are ideal for everyone - simple for beginners, low intensity for seniors and rehabilitation after various types of injuries. Training with a gymnastic shovel does not put any strain on the keys, improves balance and strengthens the muscles. At the same time, it is also great for meditation or toning. Čo viac si priať? Everything you need is a little free space to start practicing at home.How to choose the right size of the gymnastic ball?The HALF FIT model is made in three diameters: 55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm. To maximize the effect of the exercise, choose the size of the shoe according to your height:- Priemer lopty 55 cm - body height 150-165 cm- Priemer lopty 65 cm - body height 160-175 cm- Priemer Lopty 75 cm - Body height 175-190 cmShave between the thighs and upper body, and shave between the thighs and calves should be 90 degrees with your feet loosely placed on the ground. Such a correctly selected size of the loľta is ideal for sitting on the loket.Parameters:Material: PVC, anti-slipHigh QualityLong service life of the locomotiveDiameter: 65 cmAnti-Burst systemequipped with massage protrusions for body massage and stimulation of blood circulationMaximum user weight: 120 kgIn the set: pumpInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey MIX ROLL 2-in-1 Massage Fitness Roller, 33 cm, Green
    Spokey MIX ROLL 2-in-1 Fitness Massage Roller Set:- These are 2 fitness rollers with different diameters and different hardness, which can be used to diversify the training- ideal before, during and after training – relaxes tense muscles, increases blood flow, increases range of motion and reduces the risk of overload and muscle injury- The rollers are made of durable materials, thanks to which they are not only pleasant and comfortable during massages, but they are also resistant to high loads, deformations, mechanical damage, and they also do not absorb moistureThanks to the use of Spokey MIX ROLL 2-in-1 fitness rollers before, during and after training, your muscles will work more smoothly, which brings countless health benefits - blood flow increases, range of motion increases and the risk of overload and muscle injury is reduced. Rollers are products that can affect your training. With the Spokey MIX ROLL 2in1 fitness roller set, you can diversify your daily workout and engage the muscle parts that really matter to you. The rollers can be used to accelerate the regeneration and relaxation of the massaged muscles. Thanks to the special massage structure of the larger cylinder, you can enjoy a gentle or intensive massage.Take care of your muscles before, during, and after your workoutThe Spokey MIX ROLL 2-in-1 rehabilitation roller set is made of materials that do not absorb moisture and are therefore easy to keep clean . The set consists of two fitness rollers, which differ from each other in their diameters and hardness, thanks to which each user can choose a roller depending on which part of the body he wants to massage. In addition, the larger roller has special massage protrusions. It is suitable for already experienced users with an athletic or muscular physique. Only use this cylinder with a smaller cylinder inserted.The smaller roller is softer, its structure does not imprint on the body and is ideal for massaging any muscle group, e.g. legs, arms, back. It is recommended for people who are not yet experienced with rollers.Effects of exercising with a fitness rollerRolling the roller is a type of myofascial self-massage that relaxes tense muscles and fascia. Such a massage with the use of a fitness roller restores muscle tissue, prepares the body for the next workout, and most importantly, reduces the risk of injury! The Spokey MIX ROLL 2in1 is a unique set of two rollers that allows you to perform exercises to strengthen different parts of the body. The small size of the rollers and the possibility of combining them into one allow for easy storage and transport.Parameters:Hardness: Soft, HardMaterial: PVC, EVA foamDimensions: 33 x 14.5 cmRecommended for: massage, yoga, pilatesInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonPossible to sell 1 piece
  • Spokey HAND POWER Fitness ring, heavy
    Spokey HAND POWER HEAVY training ring:- With the Strength Ring, you can exercise or strengthen the frequently used muscles of the pre-dactium, the wrist or the strength of the compressions- The ring can also be used as a rehabilitation aid for exercising hands after fractures, surgeries and neurological diseases, or you can use them as an anti-stress aid- Thanks to the special finger grooves, it fits perfectly in everyone's handThe Fitness Club is intended for those who plan to create or improve their home gym and for those who plan to exercise regularly. For health, muscle strengthening or improving fitness – any reason is good to start exercising with our equipment!With the Strength Ring, you can exercise or strengthen the frequently used muscles of the pre-lacticus, the wrist or the strength of compression. The guide can also be used as a rehabilitation aid for exercising hands after fractures, surgeries and neurological diseases, or you can use it as an anti-stress aid.Products intended for fitness must be of high quality and made of the best materials. This is also the case with our fitness circles, and that is why the Spokey Hand Power models will guide you in many trainings, or you are already a beginner or an advanced sportsman.The training rings have an oval shape and thanks to the special finger grooves, they fit perfectly in everyone's hand. In our menu you will find circles with different resistance strengths:light - 20 kgmedium - 30 kgHeavy - 40 kgor a complete set of all three fitness ringsParameters:Material: SiliconDimensions: 10 x 8 x 2 cmResistance: Heavy - 40 kgInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonMožné predaj predaj po 1 ks
  • Spokey HAND POWER Fitness ring, light
    Spokey HAND POWER LIGHT training ring:- With the Strength Ring, you can exercise or strengthen the frequently used muscles of the pre-dactium, the wrist or the strength of the compressions- The ring can also be used as a rehabilitation aid for exercising hands after fractures, surgeries and neurological diseases, or you can use them as an anti-stress aid- Thanks to the special finger grooves, it fits perfectly in everyone's handThe Fitness Club is intended for those who plan to create or improve their home gym and for those who plan to exercise regularly. For health, muscle strengthening or improving fitness – any reason is good to start exercising with our equipment!With the Strength Ring, you can exercise or strengthen the frequently used muscles of the pre-lacticus, the wrist or the strength of compression. The guide can also be used as a rehabilitation aid for exercising hands after fractures, surgeries and neurological diseases, or you can use it as an anti-stress aid.Products intended for fitness must be of high quality and made of the best materials. This is also the case with our fitness circles, and that is why the Spokey Hand Power models will guide you in many trainings, or you are already a beginner or an advanced sportsman.The training rings have an oval shape and thanks to the special finger grooves, they fit perfectly in everyone's hand. In our menu you will find circles with different resistance strengths:light - 20 kgmedium - 30 kgHeavy - 40 kgor a complete set of all three fitness ringsParameters:Material: SiliconDimensions: 10 x 8 x 2 cmResistance: Light - 20 kgInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonMožné predaj predaj po 1 ks
  • Spokey BUDDY Hiking backpack, 35 l, green
    Spokey BUDDY sports and hiking backpack:- 35 l capacity is perfect for long trips or sports activities- Prepared for use with a water bag - Comfortable and high-quality carrying system with mesh allows you to adjust the load distribution and back adjustment according to your needs- Side straps, waist and chest straps ensure regulation and stability of the backpack- equipped with reflective elements to improve visibility after dark- In addition, the backpack has a set of interchangeable zipper pullers in two colors, which can be changed according to your taste or current moodThe Spokey BUDDY hiking and sports backpack is great for trips to the countryside. The special technologies used ensure that the BUDDY 35 backpack will work perfectly in any conditions!Quality and technologyThe quality of the materials and the overall functionality of the product are of great importance during mountain trips and travel. That is why the BUDDY backpack was made of the highest quality materials that provide protection against external influences and mechanical damage. Thanks to the rip-stop technology used , the BUDDY backpack is durable and lightweight at the same time. The volume of the backpack – 35 l – is sufficient for packing the most necessary things even for a multi-day trip or weekend stay. The carrying system used allows you to adjust the load distribution and back adjustment according to your needs , and thanks to the breathable mesh, it ensures good back ventilation. The unique design and thoughtful cut give it a unique look.Useful pockets and compartmentsThe backpack is equipped with many pockets and compartments, thanks to which you can comfortably and clearly organize your things in the backpack. Thanks to the buckles, you can easily attach poles, sleeping bag or other things that no longer fit inside to the backpack. In addition , the Spokey BUDDY is ready to use a drinking water bag, which also fits our Spokey Oasis model. Inside the backpack there is a special pocket and attachment for the bag, a special hole and straps on the shoulder straps for attaching the bag hose. The backpack has high-quality zippers that are resistant to mechanical damage.*The illustrative photo of the product does not match the color of the model offered. It only serves as a demonstration of the use of the product in practice. The current color scheme is the same as in the product gallery.Unique featuresThe BUDDY model uses a comfortable and simple spacer carrying system with a net. The height adjustment of the back system allows for optimal adjustment and weight distribution of the backpack. The regulation and stability of the backpack is ensured by side straps, waist and chest strap. The Spokey BUDDY hiking and sports backpack is equipped with reflective elements to improve visibility after dark. This is very important when walking on poorly lit roads.Parameters:Material: 210D ripstop, nylon + 600D polyester + PU coatingVolume: 35 lDimensions: 50 x 29 x 20 cmreflective elementswaist and chest beltSpacer net in the support system4 additional pocketsplace for a water baghigh-quality and durable zippersdurable and comfortable strapsTwo interchangeable zipper pullers in two coloursInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonPossible to sell 1 piece
  • Spokey BUDDY Hiking backpack, 35 l, black
    Spokey BUDDY sports and hiking backpack:- 35 l capacity is perfect for long trips or sports activities- Prepared for use with a water bag - Comfortable and high-quality carrying system with mesh allows you to adjust the load distribution and back adjustment according to your needs- Side straps, waist and chest straps ensure regulation and stability of the backpack- equipped with reflective elements to improve visibility after dark- In addition, the backpack has a set of interchangeable zipper pullers in two colors, which can be changed according to your taste or current moodThe Spokey BUDDY hiking and sports backpack is great for trips to the countryside. The special technologies used ensure that the BUDDY 35 backpack will work perfectly in any conditions!Quality and technologyThe quality of the materials and the overall functionality of the product are of great importance during mountain trips and travel. That is why the BUDDY backpack was made of the highest quality materials that provide protection against external influences and mechanical damage. Thanks to the rip-stop technology used , the BUDDY backpack is durable and lightweight at the same time. The volume of the backpack – 35 l – is sufficient for packing the most necessary things even for a multi-day trip or weekend stay. The carrying system used allows you to adjust the load distribution and back adjustment according to your needs , and thanks to the breathable mesh, it ensures good back ventilation. The unique design and thoughtful cut give it a unique look.Useful pockets and compartmentsThe backpack is equipped with many pockets and compartments, thanks to which you can comfortably and clearly organize your things in the backpack. Thanks to the buckles, you can easily attach poles, sleeping bag or other things that no longer fit inside to the backpack. In addition , the Spokey BUDDY is ready to use a drinking water bag, which also fits our Spokey Oasis model. Inside the backpack there is a special pocket and attachment for the bag, a special hole and straps on the shoulder straps for attaching the bag hose. The backpack has high-quality zippers that are resistant to mechanical damage.*The illustrative photo of the product does not match the color of the model offered. It only serves as a demonstration of the use of the product in practice. The current color scheme is the same as in the product gallery.Unique featuresThe BUDDY model uses a comfortable and simple spacer carrying system with a net. The height adjustment of the back system allows for optimal adjustment and weight distribution of the backpack. The regulation and stability of the backpack is ensured by side straps, waist and chest strap. The Spokey BUDDY hiking and sports backpack is equipped with reflective elements to improve visibility after dark. This is very important when walking on poorly lit roads.Parameters:Material: 210D ripstop, nylon + 600D polyester + PU coatingVolume: 35 lDimensions: 50 x 29 x 20 cmreflective elementswaist and chest beltSpacer net in the support system4 additional pocketsplace for a water baghigh-quality and durable zippersdurable and comfortable strapsTwo interchangeable zipper pullers in two coloursInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonPossible to sell 1 piece
  • Spokey QUICK SKIP Leather skipping rope with bearings
    Spokey QUICK SKIP leather skipping rope:- made of natural leather, just like the models used for professional training, which ensures its high durability and proper swing- has a foam anti-slip handle that fits perfectly in the hand, guarantees a firm grip and does not slip during exercise- umožňuje prispôsobiť dĺžku lanka presne podľa výšky používateľa- Equipped with a unique bearing systemSkipping rope is one of the most commonly used fitness equipment for training. When jumping rope, you will not only improve your coordination but also strengthen the muscles around the members, which reduces the risk of injury. When jumping, you will learn to breathe properly and, in addition, you will speed up your metabolism, improve your overall fitness and support your heart and leg function. Depending on the pace and intensity of the exercise, skipping rope training can be aimed at slimming, reducing body fat, or building muscle mass and improving fitness.Train ako boxersLeather skipping ropes are popular with top boxers, who use them to improve coordination and speed of movement. The QUICK SKIP model is equipped with a leather cable with a length of 280 cm and a diameter of 5 mm, which can be easily and quickly adjusted to the height of the user. The leather cable is heavier compared to textile or plastic models, thanks to which it has a faster rotation and solders into the movement of more muscles, making it more demanding to exercise.The skipping rope is equipped with a unique, professional bearing system, thanks to which the rope does not get tangled during training and the exercise is dynamic and effective. The non-slip foam handles fit perfectly in the hands and ensure a firm grip during training. This model will be an ideal choice for advanced users who want demanding, more intensive and complex training.Parameters:Handle material: PP, foamCord material: durable, natural leatherCable length: 280 cm, adjustableWire diameter: 5 mmHandle length: 15 cmHigh-quality bearings for a faster and smoother swingInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey SPIKE Foot Massage and Balance Pads, 2 pcs
    Spokey SPIKE Sensory Pads:- They have massage protrusions on the surface for muscle stimulation and relaxation- they are ideal for corrective, balance and coordination exercises, as well as for massage - it brings immediate relief to tense and painful feetThe Spokey SPIKE sensory semi-guľa with massage protrusions is an aid with a wide range of uses. It can be used for a massage that eliminates tension and soothes foot pain, or for balance exercises. It can also be used in training or rehabilitation: during warm-up or during sensory, motor, health or functional training.2in1: Masseur and Balance TrainerThe Spokey SPIKE sensory pad is designed for balance, coordination, stabilization and corrective exercises. For this purpose, you can place it on the ground and balance it on one leg or transfer weight from one foot to the other. The shape of the mat and the massage protrusions of the foot engage the muscles that are responsible for the correct posture. Maintaining the correct position on the limb not only strengthens the body parts (especially the feet), but also improves dexterity, balance and coordination of the body. That is why the Spokey SPIKE massage pole is often used as a support for the development of motor skills. The use of sensory semi-gulia during training helps not only to tighten the muscles of the feet, but also to prevent the formation of flat feet.Proven method of massageThe Massage Balance Pad is ideal for massaging the feet, palms and improving blood circulation. The irregular surface with protrusions stimulates the muscles (for relaxation and relaxation) and engages the whole body to maintain the right balance. The Spokey SPIKE semi-guľa massager can be used both standing and sitting. If you want to maximize the effects of your workout, practice barefoot. Massage with the use of the SPIKE semi-gula is based on point pressure and massaging in the place that causes pain. Such a massage immediately relieves tension and relieves pain in overstretched parts of the body. At the same time, it also supports skin regeneration.Parameters:Material: PVCDimensions: 16 x 8.5 cmPackage: 2 pcs
  • Spokey BOLSTER Fitness gloves, size L
    Spokey BOLSTER Fitness Gloves:- Perfect protection of the palms from bruises and abrasions during training on the pull-up bar, with dumbbells or during cycling or scootering- They have a wide belt with Velcro fastening, thanks to which it adapts very well to the shape of your palm!Properly selected accessories have a great impact on comfort and safety during training. The Spokey BOLSTER fitness gloves are one of the basic accessories for exercising in the gym and at home, they are essential for training with dumbbells and weights. It protects the hands from painful bruises and injuries. They also provide a firm grip, which is very important in strength training. And what's more, you can also use fitness gloves while riding a bicycle or scooter!High level of comfort during every workoutThe outer side of the Spokey BOLSTER fitness sleeve is made of materials that are pleasant to the touch and at the same time provide a firm grip (a combination of suede, mesh and lycra). The materials used on the inside of the glove are very resistant to damage (amara, kevlar), which significantly increases their comfort of use. In order for the hands to be well protected from abrasions and bruises, it must fit well, which is why the BOLSTER model is equipped with a wide Velcro strap. With its help, the gloves will become your second skin.Veľkosti meriame v najšiširšom mieste dlane:Palm circumference / Wrist circumference21-23,5 cm / 19-20,5 cm - size M23-24,5 cm / 20,5-22 cm - size L24-25.5 cm / 22-23.5 cm - size XLParameters:Fabric: suede, mesh, lycraInternal material: amara, durable KevlarMaterial composition: 35% polyurethane, 30% synthetic leather, 15% polyester, 10% carbon fiber, 10% otherPuller: SuedeFastening: wide Velcro beltPútka pre jednoduchšie odoberanieSize: LInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Package(s): 75 pairs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 páre
  • Spokey HIKER Fitness Gloves, Size L M
    Spokey HIKER Fitness Gloves:- Protects palms from abrasions and bruises during training- They have a wide belt with Velcro fastening, thanks to which it adapts very well to the shape of your palm!- they have a fabric on their thumbs designed for sweat utieranyIt is recommended to do this especially before the start of each training session, because when exercising with dumbbells or other equipment, without proper palm protection, bruises and abrasions can occur, which then make further training impossible. The Spokey HIKER fitness gloves protect your hands from injuries and provide maximum comfort during training!Quality and technology for safe and comfortable trainingHIKER gloves are made with the latest technology, thanks to which they are very durable and at the same time pleasant to the touch. The use of materials such as amara and lycra nets has an effect on anti-slip properties and a firm grip. At the same time, the gloves protect the hands very well. They are designed and manufactured to protect the palms from bruises, bruises and abrasions during training with dumbbells or other equipment. I can also be used when riding a bicycle or scooter.If you care about a safe and comfortable workout, build on the Spokey HIKER fitness gloves. They provide a firm grip, which is extremely important during training in the gym. To ensure that your hands are well protected from abrasions, the gloves must fit well, which is why the HIKER model has a wide Velcro belt. With its help, the gloves will become your second skin.The Spokey HIKER fitness gloves have a unique design and gel suppression.Veľkosti meriame v najšiširšom mieste dlane:Palm circumference / Wrist circumference20-21,5 cm / 18-19,5 cm - size M21-22,5 cm / 18-19,5 cm - size L22-23,5 cm / 20-21,5 cm - size XLParameters:Fabric: Amara, Sieťka, LycraInternal material: amara, gel pressureMaterial composition: 50% nylon, 30% synthetic leather, 15% polyester, 5% otherPuller: NeopreneFastening: wide Velcro beltPútka pre jednoduchšie odoberanieOn the thumb material for utieranie sweatsize: MInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Package(s): 75 pairs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 páre
  • Spokey LADY FIT Women's fitness gloves, size L M
    Women's fitness gloves Spokey LADY FIT:- They have an anatomical shape that adapts perfectly to your palm and does not restrict movement during exercise- Protects palms from abrasions and bruises during training- Made of flexible and durable material, thanks to which it will become your second skin!We know how important fitness gloves are during training - they protect the palms from abrasions, bruises and bruises during exercise. Thanks to them, you don't have to worry about injuries, which could interrupt your regular training. In addition, they provide a firm grip and have anti-slip properties, which are very important when training in the gym.Taking care of your palms during trainingThe Spokey LADY FIT fitness training gloves have a soft shape and design, which makes them a great choice for ladies. They are made of flexible materials that adapt well to the shape of the palm. Thanks to this, they don't restrict movement and provide support during training. They have a tightening spandex strap that will help you adapt the gloves to the size of your palm.Properly selected accessories have a great impact on comfort and safety during training. The Spokey LADY FIT women's fitness gloves are one of the basic accessories for exercising in the gym and at home. They are essential for training with dumbbells and other equipment. It protects the hands from painful bruises and injuries. They also provide a firm grip, which is very important in strength training. And what's more, you can also use fitness gloves while riding a bicycle or scooter!If you care about safe and comfortable training, build on the Spokey LADY FIT fitness gloves. Skvelé is also suitable for riding a bicycle. or scooters.Parameters:Fabric: Sieťka, LycraInternal material: AmaraMaterial composition: 70% nylon, 30% synthetic leatherPuller: LycraPútko pre jednoduchšie sňatiesize: MInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Package(s): 100 pairs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 páre
  • Spokey DAYRIDE Hiking backpack, 25 l
    Hiking backpack Spokey DAYRIDE 25:- With a capacity of 25 liters, you can pack the necessary things for hiking, trekking and other everyday sports activities- equipped with a spacious main compartment and two front zipper flaps- equipped with an EVA back cushioning system that combines impact protection, flexibility and softness to ensure comfort while wearingAre you looking for a backpack that can hold a lot of things, while being comfortable and functional? Stand on the Spokey DAYRIDE 25 hiking backpack, which will take you on your daily sports and outdoor activities or on the road. Tento model sa perfectly adaptôsobí výške a držaniu tela user. It is equipped with an EVA back cushioning system, thanks to which the backpack fits perfectly when worn. It also guarantees flexibility and lightness!Backpack with back cushioning systemThe Spokey DAYRIDE sports backpack was made of the highest quality materials in rip-stop technology, which ensure versatility, lightness, resistance to damage and adverse conditions. Použitý nosný systém umožňuje ľubovoľne rozložiť záťaž a prispôsobiť nastavenie vašim potrebám. The Spokey DAYRIDE hiking backpack is especially practical – thanks to its size, volume and low weight, it is ideal for every situation.Wearing comfortThe Spokey DAYRIDE hiking backpack allows easy organization and separation of accessories thanks to the spacious main chamber and two front winds. It is equipped with storage compartments, openings and fixings. Thanks to them, you can freely manipulate the space and attach trekking clubs, a mat or a sleeping bag to your backpack. The volume of the Spokey backpack is as much as 25 liters, which allows you to comfortably pack things needed for everyday activities and trips.Parameters:Material: 210D ripstop + 600D polyesterCapacity: 25 lDimensions: 48 x 28 x 21 cmReflective elementswaist and chest beltSpacious main chamber2 front crowsEVA back suspension systemhigh-quality and durable zippersdurable and comfortable strapsInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey LIB Sport Cycling and Running Backpack, 5 L, Black
    Spokey LIB Sports & Cycling Backpack:- has a capacity of 5 l, which is enough to pack the necessary accessories- has a main zippered pocket, a middle zippered pocket with several compartments and a front pocket- Adjustable shoulder, chest and waist straps- Reflective stripes and logo on shoulder strap and front- Breathable mesh padding on the back and shoulder strap- The backpack also has a set of interchangeable zipper pullers in two colors for easy product customizationMaterial: Waterproof polyester ripstopCapacity: 5 LSize: 26 x 46 cmmain compartment, middle pocket with several compartments and front pocketReady for a drinking bag - includes hanger, holes and attachment on shoulder strapswaist and chest beltadjustable shoulder strapsreflective elementsWeight: 320 g
  • Spokey KOBE Hiking backpack, 28 l, green
    Sportovní a turistický batoh Spokey KOBE:- Many pockets and compartments, including a special laptop pocket- The backpack's back carrying system is made of breathable mesh and allows for an optimal fit of the backpack to your backMaterial: polyester 600D + PU coatingVolume: 28 lDimensions: 48 x 27 x 22 cmsupport system padded with breathable mesh3 pocketselastic strapslaptop pocketreflective elements
  • Spokey LIB Sport, cycling and running backpack, 5 l, blue
    Spokey LIB Sports & Cycling Backpack:- has a capacity of 5 l, which is enough to pack the necessary accessories- has a main zippered pocket, a middle zippered pocket with several compartments and a front pocket- Adjustable shoulder, chest and waist straps- Reflective stripes and logo on shoulder strap and front- Breathable mesh padding on the back and shoulder strap- The backpack also has a set of interchangeable zipper pullers in two colors for easy product customizationMaterial: Waterproof polyester ripstopCapacity: 5 LSize: 26 x 46 cmmain compartment, middle pocket with several compartments and front pocketReady for a drinking bag - includes hanger, holes and attachment on shoulder strapswaist and chest beltadjustable shoulder strapsreflective elementsWeight: 320 g
  • Spokey LINE H - Neoprene belt bandage -univerz. veľkosť 107 cm
    Zoštíhľujúca neoprénová bandáž pásaZoštíhľujúce pásy, to sú neoprénové bandáže s nízkou tepelnou priepustnosťou, ktoré umožňujú efektívnejšie spaľovanie tukov.Fabric, from which is made zoštíhľujúci strip Spokey LINE H insulates vlhkosť, which prevents the formation of odrenín and pľuzgierov. Bandáž je tiež skvelou voľbou pre športovcov - ako prophylactická ochrana pri zvýšením zaťažení.Neoprenové pásy vďaka svojim vlastnostiam stabilizujú a znižujú záťaž na kĺby. Zároveň zvyšujú teplotu, čím zlepšujú prekrvenie v danej oblasti a urýchľujú proces hojenia.Pružný materiál zaisťuje perfektní prispôsobenie vašej anatómii tela.DETERMINATIONIdeálna ako prophylactic protection pri increased zaťažení, alebo počas rehabilitácie.Parameters:Material: 70% neoprene, 15% polyester, 15% nylonsize: universal (107 x 21,5 cm)
  • Spokey LEAF Yoga Belt
    Yoga and Pilates Belt Spokey LEAF- is the best support when performing asanas and maintaining postures during exercise- helps to increase the range of our movement- Has two metal buckles that allow you to adjust the length of the strap to the desired length- Can be used as a strap to carry the pad!The Spokey LEAF belt is an accessory that will help you start your yoga or stretching adventure. It is especially intended for novice users who need support in increasing the range of motion. It can also be used in various exercises including stretching the back of the legs!Start your adventure with yoga!Practicing yoga has a positive effect on our body, motivates us to stretch and increase performance. It also allows you to find a moment for yourself – to calm down, relax, find balance. The Spokey LEAF yoga belt will support you in all stretching exercises. The wide belt is made of very durable polyester. Double metal buckles serve as regulators through which you can optimally adjust the length of the belt according to your needs.Using a yoga beltThe yoga belt is an element whose task is to facilitate the execution of asanas and provide maximum support when holding a posture. Thanks to it, you will maintain the desired flexibility of the body, which is very difficult to achieve at the very beginning of your yoga adventure. The Spokey LEAF yoga belt is essential in training – it helps strengthen joints and increases the range of our movement. Thanks to this, you can increase the range of your own movements without too much effort.Belt for easy transport of the padThe Spokey yoga belt is also perfect as a strap for carrying your favorite mat, such as the Spokey LEAF. With it, you can take your gear wherever you need it – for exercise or yoga training.Parameters:Material: PolyesterDimensions: 183 x 3,8 cmInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey BARBEL Children's fins size S (28-31)
    Children's fins for snorkeling Spokey BARBELDiving #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. Fins, masks and snorkels have been created specifically for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with your face immersed in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Light and compact recreational finsChildren's fins Spokey BARBEL are made of the highest quality materials resistant to mechanical damage. They have a special rubber boot made of TPR, which is put on the bare foot. They are very light and have an ergonomic shape, thanks to which they adapt perfectly to any foot. They excel in comfortable putting on and off. Additional holes in the fin stabilize the foot and reduce pressure during swimming.  The materials used will guarantee that the purchase of Spokey BARBEL fins will not be just for one season.Perfect grip on the footThanks to the use of additional rubber elements , diving fins are very flexible. Their design increases the momentum during diving, the shoe optimally adheres to the foot and gives great freedom of movement. The low weight of the fins makes snorkeling even better!Parameters:Boot: TPR elastic rubberfins: PPadditional holes for stabilization during swimming and pressure reductionPackaging: mesh bag + polyesterSize: S (28-31)
  • Spokey POWER MEDIUM Resistance band, resistance 15-23 kg
    Spokey POWER MEDIUM training resistance band:- A universal strength training aid that works similarly to an expander and can fully replace dumbbells or ketllebellas- Allows you to maximize the effects of your workout and focus on individual parts of the body- Resistance: 15-23 kgIn the process of body formation, exercises using resistance gums play an important role. Thanks to them, you can diversify your training and focus on your desired muscle group! They work in a similar way to an expander - they allow you to perform stretching exercises and exercises to the sides (e.g. chest exercises) and, thanks to their properties and length, allow you to expand the range of exercises.Essential strength trainingDid you know that Spokey POWER rubbers are a perfect substitute for reins and ketllebellas? They fully replace the necessary equipment for strength training! The use of Spokey POWER training tools during training allows you to maximize the effects of training and focus on individual parts of the body.Tréninking prispôsobený vám potrebámTraining gums are also recommended by personal trainers. With them, you can exercise anywhere - in the fitness club, at home or at home. Resistance bands with a closed circuit allow you to maximize the effects of training and focus on individual parts of the body. POWER bands are made in different resistance variants, which allows you to choose the appropriate resistance for your training according to your current physical condition:- X-light (purple): 0 - 13 kg- Light: 11-19 kg- Medium (blue): 15-23 kg- Heavy: 20-30 kg- X-Heavy (dark blue): 25-40 kgMaximum training effectTraining bands are made of durable material that ensures their long life. POWER rubbers have different resistances, thanks to which they are ideal for beginners as well as for professional sportsmen. Bands with a lower resistance force will help you get the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for higher loads. Bands with a higher resistance force are designed for people who like to train at 200%.Parameters:Material: Latex rubberLength: 208 cmWidth: 20 mm4.5 mm ridgeResistance: 15-23 kg
  • Spokey STILO Massage Button
    Spokey STILO Massage Gun:- is a compact cordless device that will make you feel as comfortable as if you were in a massage parlour!- helps relax stiff muscles and stimulate blood circulation- Regular massage will even improve the overall condition of your muscle tissue!- In the set you will find 4 interchangeable pads, each of which is suitable for a different type of massage. In addition, you can set 20 different vibration speeds each time, which you can monitor on a clear and large displayMassage heads:- Spiral: for specific and hard-to-reach areas- Bifurcated: for massaging the spine and cervical vertebrae- Round: for all muscle groups- Flat: for sensitive and bony areasParameters:Motor: 24W brushlessVibration frequency: 2000 - 3200 rpmBattery: rechargeable 2000 mAh lithium battery (Li-ion)Display: Program, SpeedStroke length: 6 mmNumber of gears: 1-20Charging time: 2-3 hoursOperating time: 2-3 hours (depending on the selected intensity)Power supply: USBDimensions: 17.5 x 14.7 x 5 cmPackage size: 21 x 22 x 6.5 cmWeight: 395 g
  • Spokey CROCO Shoulder bag, 4 l, green
    Spokey CROCO shoulder sports bag:- It has two large doors and one security bag, thanks to which you will always have all the necessary things at hand- made of very durable and waterproof 600D polyester with a surface treatment, so it is durable and light- has an ideal volume (4 liters) for storing all necessary items and accessories- The bag also has a set of interchangeable zipper pullers in two color conversions, which can be changed according to your taste or current moodThe Spokey CROCO shoulder bag is the best solution for people who like to spend their free time actively and like to have all the necessary things with them at all times. Its volume of 4 liters is enough to fit everything you need for a trip to the city. It's the perfect friend for every trip! Thanks to its compact size, you can take it literally anywhere - to the pool, for training, to the gym or for a walk.Najdôležitejšie potreby vždy pri sebeSpokey CROCO has two main keys that will help you keep your order and always have your wallet, keys or phone at hand and safe! Dodatočné bezpečnostní vrecko sa perfektne hod napríklad napríklad pre dokumenty aleboci valuables. Toto riešenie vám vám vám mať pri sebe všetky dôležité veci aj počas outdoorových aktivít.Comfort and safetyThe Spokey CROCO shoulder sports bag is made of waterproof polyester 600D. Thanks to this, it is durable and at the same time extremely light. Another advantage is the interchangeable zipper fasteners in different colors, thanks to which the bag can be easily and quickly changed according to your taste.Parameters:Material: polyester 600D + PU coatingVolume: 4 LDimensions: 34 x 18 x 12 cm2 veľké vrecká1 safety knoblined with breathless 3D meshComfortable and adjustable shoulder straphigh-quality and durable zippersInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonPossible predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey SIROCCO XL Quick towel with detachable buckle, blue, 80 x 150 cm
    A towel that will never let you down!Sports and travel towel made of absorbent, soft and very pleasant material is an ideal choice for avid athletes, travelers and hikers. Thanks to a special polyester and polyamide fiber, it takes up about 80% less space than a regular terry towel. We recommend using the Spokey Sirocco quick-drying towel for all kinds of sports, when visiting the gym, swimming pool, camping, picnic, traveling - whether on holiday, hiking or on the beach.   We focus on health and safety!The microfiber towel has been made using the latest technologies. Thanks to this, it has amazing absorbency and is resistant to tearing or other damage. In addition, it has excellent breathable properties. The towel is made in accordance with the EN 14362 – 1: 2012 standard – it is made of materials that are the safest for the health of users.No more heavy and bulky towels- Perfect for any activity- Fast drying – dries quickly even without sun- Very lightweight- Great absorption- Choice of 3 sizes- Compact size when folded – fits anywhere  A practical and modern solution #veSpokeyStyluWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.The towel is available in three sizes:M – 40 x 80 cmL – 50 x 120 cmXL – 80 x 150 cmThe towel takes up 80% less space than a regular terry towel, but it is also 6 times lighter and 4 times faster than a conventional towel. The towel also includes a practical cover for easier and convenient carrying and storage. After soiling, it is enough to rinse it in water at a temperature of up to 30°C. Parameters:Material: 80% Polyester / 20% Polyamide = 100% Microfiberdimensions: XL - 80 x 150 cmlightweight, quick-drying, absorbentComfortable strap with removable bucklePacked in a practical mesh bagInformation for wholesale customers:packing: 50 pcs/cartonPossible to sell 1 piece
  • Spokey MOON Automatic beach tent, UV 30, 200 x 145 x 115 cm
    Automatic beach tent Spokey MOON:- Lightweight and practical self-folding screen with perfect sun and wind protection- provides excellent UV protection at UV30 level, which is the perfect complement to protect the skin from adverse effects in the sun- the tent is designed in a similar way to the unfolding of the umbrella, so anyone can handle it- An undoubted advantage is also a non-waterproof floor, which will protect you from moistureThe Spokey MOON beach tent is the perfect solution for all beach and picnic lovers. It has been designed to guarantee comfort, but also protection from the sun or wind during your summer holiday. Thanks to the possibility of easy layout and quick composition, the beach screen is very easy to use.Optimal wind and sun barrier with UV filterA cool wind and warm sun meadows are an undeniable source of relaxation. Sometimes, and especially during a longer rest, I can take its toll. A beach tent is the best protection against wind gusts, but also against UV radiation at level 30. The UV filter used is the perfect complement to protect your skin from the undesirable effects of sun exposure. Thanks to it, you will be able to enjoy a weekend or vacation without any worries!Beach tent with waterproof floorThe Spokey MOON tent is ideal for fans of more outdoor reading looking for peace and quiet, as well as for lovers of family grilling or beach stays. Its dimensions allow it to be used several times at once. An undeniable advantage of the beach screen is the waterproof floor, which can be easily dried and cleaned. This will be appreciated by everyone who wants to quickly pack their equipment after their vacation.Simple folding, quick foldingThe Spokey MOON beach tent is lightweight and takes up little space in its folded structure. This means that you can easily take it on any trip and store it comfortably after the end of the season. And thanks to the function of easy folding and quick assembly, handling the tent is extremely simple!Parametre:flysheet material: 190T polyesterFloor material: PE foil, 110 g/m2 waterproofFrame material: Glass fiber, 7.9 mmDimensions: 200 x 145 x 115 cmsingle-layer outdoor screenkonštrukcia umožňuje stan roztať a zložiť během omihuUV30 UV protection1 inner sleevepackage includes 4 fixing pinspacked in packagingWeight: 1.9 kgInformácie pre veľkoodberateľov:Packing: 4 pcs/cartonMožný predaj po 1 pc
  • Spokey PICNIC GRAIN Picnic blanket 130x150
    Picnic blanket with aluminum foil- použitie hliníkovej fólie na spodnej strane deky zaisťuje dodatočnú telepelnú izoláciu a vodeodolnosť (možné rozložiť aj na mokrej tráve). The polar fleece material in the upper layer of the blanket is soft and pleasant to the touch.Material: 100% polar fleece (160 g/m2), 2 mm pena PVC aluminum foil,Weight: 530 g,Dimensions: 130 x 150 cm,Dimensions after laying: 34 x 20 x 7 cm,Properties: thermal insulation, waterproof bottom layer
  • Spokey TAMPICO Warehouse drawing / chaise longue 2in1 dark blue
    Do you dream of a moment of rest? Settle down on the Spokey TAMPICO reclining hiking couch ! The Tampico model is an indispensable companion for summer holidays, sunbathing, picnics or for relaxing in the garden! Spending time outdoors has a great positive effect on health and well-being. Indispensable companionIn moments of rest, your comfort is paramount! We bet on the Spokey Tampico beach chair, which provides real comfort and relaxation during rest. The sun lounger has been designed to relax in the fresh air – providing excellent comfort , allowing you to take a comfortable position without having to sit on sand or grass. We focus on comfort and qualityThe Spokey Tampico outdoor chair/lounger is made of high-quality materials that guarantee strength and stability. The steel stable construction allows users with a maximum weight of 120 kg to use the couch. The seat is made of durable polyester 600D, which provides incredible comfort when sitting or lying down and is resistant to tearing.Comfortable armrests and a removable, height-adjustable and soft headrest will also make your comfort more comfortable. The Tampico can be used in the garden, terrace, balcony, beach, pool or camping. In short, you will appreciate it anywhere.   2-in-1 and truly practicalFolding outdoor chair Spokey Tampico in a practical 2-in-1 design that can be folded into two ways:   Dimensions: 1. Position: length: 118 cm, width: 60 cm, seating height: 32/40 cm2. Position: length: 153cm, width: 60cm, height: 26cmThanks to its folding option, the Spokey Tampico travel lounger takes up little space, making it easy to transport and store, so you can take it anywhere – it fits easily in a suitcase.Tourist armchair Spokey TAMPICO:– comfort and relaxation while resting– ideal for garden, terrace, balcony, picnic, beach, pool or camping– durable steel construction– Made of durable polyester 600D– removable, height-adjustable and soft headrest– possibility of folding in 2 waysParameters:Material: Polyester 600DConstruction: Steelsize: 46 x 40 x 86,5 cmsize when folded: 60 x 90 x 15 cmremovable, height-adjustable headrestHeadrest size: 33 x 12 x 5,5 cmweight: 4,8 kgmaximum user weight: 120 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 6 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc

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