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WOOX Awaji Dress

5635,00 din
Dostupne boje: - Crna
Veličine: 46
Trošak isporuke: Besplatno *
Rok isporuke: 7 radnih dana
Cena i rok povraćaja: Besplatno, 60 radnih dana
Marka: WOOX
Plaćanje: Visa Mastercard Diners eBanking/uplatnica Pouzećem
* Besplatna dostava za sve porudžbine preko CITY EXPRESS i AKS kurirskih službi.
What should I wear in the fall? We were asked by the owners of the most popular cotton dresses made near Jeseník. Awaji with three-quarter sleeves, we say and thank you for the tuning tip, we enjoy creating better products together with you. - Perfectly fitting cotton dress designed in Jeseník and made in the EU - Very breathable thanks to the composition of 100% cotton - Two hidden pockets for all treasures - knee-length in the front, slightly longer in the back and cut round

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