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Reflective jacket black

15938,00 din
Dostupne boje: - Crna
Veličine: L
Trošak isporuke: Besplatno *
Rok isporuke: 7 radnih dana
Cena i rok povraćaja: Besplatno, 60 radnih dana
Plaćanje: Visa Mastercard Diners eBanking/uplatnica Pouzećem
* Besplatna dostava za sve porudžbine preko CITY EXPRESS i AKS kurirskih službi.
This jacket is a safe and reliable companion, especially at night. If you're the type who likes to go for late walks – with or without dogs (or tigers) – or if you like to exercise outside of normal hours, just put on this jacket and enjoy the included protection that comes from its narrow reflective stripes on the sides of the zipper, sleeves and both side pockets.

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