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Mio Gusto Bianca Brown Suede and Crocodile Pattern Combination Blunt Toe Women's Short Heeled Boots

9240,00 din
Veličine: 35 38 39
Trošak isporuke: Besplatno *
Rok isporuke: 7 radnih dana
Cena i rok povraćaja: Besplatno, 60 radnih dana
Marka: Mio Gusto
Plaćanje: Visa Mastercard Diners eBanking/uplatnica Pouzećem
* Besplatna dostava za sve porudžbine preko CITY EXPRESS i AKS kurirskih službi.
Tan colored, thin faux für lined, suede and crocodile pattern combination thick-heeled blunt toe boots.; ; Heel height is 5 cm; ; Full mold.; ; Inner Mold Measurement from Toe to Heel: 35 Number 23 cm / 36 Number: 23.5 cm / 37 Number: 24 cm / 38 Number: 24.5 cm / 39 Number: 25 cm / 40 Number: 25.5 cm / 41 Number: 26 cm / 42 Number: 26.5 cm; 1st quality imported faux leather and suede, TPU winter sole and faux fur lining are used.; ; Handcrafted in Turkey.; ; DIMENSIONS: Height from ankle to ankle: 11 cm, Ankle circumference: 27 cm, Height including sole 23 cm, Mouth circumference: 30 cm.; The measurements given are for size 37 and decrease or increase by approximately 1 cm for other numbers.; (THE MEASUREMENTS GIVEN ARE FOR SIZE 37 AND DECREASE OR INCREASE BY APPROXIMATELY 1 CM FOR OTHER NUMBER SIZES);

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