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Koton Long Dress with Thin Straps, Gingham Check, Waistband and Bow Detail

2714,00 din
Veličine: 34 36 38 40
Trošak isporuke: Besplatno *
Rok isporuke: 7 radnih dana
Cena i rok povraćaja: Besplatno, 60 radnih dana
Marka: Koton
Plaćanje: Visa Mastercard Diners eBanking/uplatnica Pouzećem
* Besplatna dostava za sve porudžbine preko CITY EXPRESS i AKS kurirskih službi.
It is possible to find dress models suitable for every style at Koton. ; You can combine gingham, thin straps, waist cinched, maxi dresses with your favorite accessories. ; Respect Life - Respect for Life | Discover the collection prepared by Koton with the sensitivity of adding value to people and society and leaving a more livable world for future generations.;

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