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Koton Ataturk Printed T-Shirt Short Sleeved Cotton

882,00 din
Dostupne boje: - Siva
Veličine: DECA
Trošak isporuke: Besplatno *
Rok isporuke: 7 radnih dana
Cena i rok povraćaja: Besplatno, 60 radnih dana
Marka: Koton
Plaćanje: Visa Mastercard Diners eBanking/uplatnica Pouzećem
* Besplatna dostava za sve porudžbine preko CITY EXPRESS i AKS kurirskih službi.
Respect Life | Respect for Life | Discover the collection prepared by Koton with the sensitivity of adding value to people and society and leaving a more livable world to future generations. Cotton baby t-shirt models impress with their quality and designs. With its Atatürk-printed, licensed, short-sleeved, cotton T-shirt structure, it is the most popular baby T-shirt model among April 23 clothes. This product contains Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)* cotton. *BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) is a non-profit program created to help millions of farmers around the world produce cotton in healthier conditions. With the pride of being the first brand to become a BCI member in Turkey, Koton supports the implementation of sustainable agriculture principles in cotton production.

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